Issue - decisions

Community Safety Plan 2020-2023

02/07/2020 - Community Safety Plan 2020-2023

The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety advised that Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) were required to produce three-year Community Safety Plans that were revised annually. The Dorset CSP agreed it’s 2020-2023 Plan at its meeting on 9 March 2020.


Members were further advised that the Plan had been developed by analysing information and data and was informed by the findings of public consultation. Place Scrutiny Committee had also considered the process by which the CSP would develop the Plan at it’s meeting on 30 January 2020. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that Dorset Council was under a legal duty to work with the responsible authorities to identify and tackle community safety issues in its area and recommended the Plans adoption.


Recommendation to Full Council


That the Community Safety Plan 2020-23 be recommended to Dorset Council for adoption.