Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 11th December, 2018 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Weymouth & Portland Borough Council. View directions

Contact: Kate Critchel 01305 252234  Email:

No. Item



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2018.


The minutes of the last meeting held on 19 November 2018 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Code of Conduct

Members are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and the Council’s Code of Conduct regarding disclosable pecuniary and other interests.


·         Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary or the disclosable interest.


·         Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entred in the Register (if not this must be done within 28 days).


·         Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of dispensation to speck and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item where appropriate.  If the interest is non-pecuniary you may be able to stay in the room, take part and vote.



Cllr J Cant declared a pecuniary interest in respect of minute 74  as he had shares in a number of properties within the area. He advised the committee that he would leave the room and not take part in the decision of the item.


Public Participation

30 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public to ask questions relating to the work of the Council.  3 minutes will be allowed per speaker. The order of speakers is at the discretion of the Chair and is normally taken in the order of agenda items, questions must relate to a report which is on the agenda for consideration.  Notice is not required if you wish to speak at the meeting but if you require an answer to a question it is asdvisable to submit this in advance by contacting a member of the Democratic Services team or alternatively, by emailing




Mr G Perry addressed the committee regarding North Quay. He was pleased that the Council was in discussion with the Civic Society regarding the future design of any development on the site. He also hoped for a traffic-free quayside as part of the development and that the public would be fully consulted on any future development proposals.


Mr Farn expressed concern regarding crime statistics in the town and requested details of future Shadow Council meetings.


Mr Walton addressed the committee regarding North Quay and referred to the mistakes made in the past.  He hoped that this Council would learn lessons and not make the same mistakes in the future. It was important to take into account the archology of the site and for the council to bear in mind the historic line of the harbour when considering a design for the site.


Mrs Bollam addressed the committee on behalf of the Civic Society.  She indicated that she had met with the Strategic Director and the Leader of the Council and generally welcomed the ideas presented by them. She hoped that any development would respect the setting of the area, provide a service road and that the character of the design respect the views of local residents. 


Mr Whately welcomed the proposals set out in the report on the Melcombe Regis: Selective Licensing of Private Rented Sector Property. He also requested a written response regarding the financing for the resurfacing and repairs to the Esplanade.


Questions by Councillors

To receive questions from Councillors in accordance with procedure rule 12.


There were no questions from Councillors


Dorset Statement of Common Ground on Strategic Planning Matter pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Manager, Planning (Community & Policy Development)

Additional documents:


That the draft Statement of Common Ground, as attached, as Appendix 1 to the report, be  approved.



The committee considered a report seeking approval of the Statement of Common Ground as part of the supporting documentation for local plans across Dorset.


Members were advised that a Statement of Common Ground was a written record of progress made on planning for strategic matters across local authority boundaries.  It was intended to record where effective cooperation was or was not taking place, demonstrate that plans were deliverable, and provide evidence that the duty to cooperate had been fulfilled.  These Statements should be jointly produced by those authorities that had agreed to collaborate with each other to address strategic matters across local authority boundaries.  The draft Statement of Common Ground had been prepared by officers of the Dorset councils working together, and was discussed by the Strategic Planning Forum at its meeting in September 2018, where members agreed that the document would be brought to the individual councils for approval.


It was also noted that the draft Statement would need to be reviewed regularly and soon after its first publication in order to reflect the new council areas.


It was proposed by Cllr R Nowak seconded by Cllr C Huckle




That the draft Statement of Common Ground, as attached, as Appendix 1 to the report, be  approved.


Cllr J Cant, the Chair left the meeting for the following item.

Before leaving the room the Chair proposed that Cllr G Taylor take the chair for the following item.




Melcombe Regis: Selective Licensing of Private Rented Sector Property pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider a report of the Housing Improvement Manager.

Additional documents:


That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing to commence a formal consultation exercise on proposals to designate a ‘Selective Licensing’ scheme, to cover those parts of the Melcombe Regis ward, as detailed in Appendix IV and V of the report of 11 December 2018.



Cllr G Taylor in the Chair


The committee considered a report on work undertaken in response to a proposal from the Melcombe Regis Board to consider a Housing based intervention to address issues identified within the ward of Melcombe Regis. Cllr Taylor welcomed Rob Turner and Sarah Hughes from Salford City Council. The City Council had been commissioned to review the evidence base and advise the council on the Board’s preferred options for intervention which was that of a "Selective Licensing" designation for the ward. Members were advised that the City Council had considerable experience in licensing of the private rented sector having already introduced seven such schemes in their own area.


In response to questions, the committee was advised that the proposal would go out to public consultation for a 10 week period allowing the public to be engaged and part of the process.   The consultation was likely to end in March 2019 and it would be for the new Dorset Council to consider its implementation. 


The committee was further advised that Policy Development Committee had considered the proposal as had the Melcombe Regis Board.  Letters of support for the proposal had also been circulated with the report from key partner organisations including Dorset Police, Dorset County Council, and the Dorset Waste Partnership. 


Members supported and welcomed the proposal, but acknowledged that it was important that the cost of implementing any scheme, including the consultation stage, be covered by the licence fee should a designation be eventually confirmed.


It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor seconded by Cllr R Nowak




That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing to commence a formal consultation exercise on proposals to designate a ‘Selective Licensing’ scheme, to cover those parts of the Melcombe Regis ward, as detailed in Appendix IV and V of the report of 11 December 2018.


Councillor J Cant returned to the meeting


Detailed brief for public art project in Weymouth pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider a report of the Leisure Commissioning Manager

Additional documents:


(a)       That the consultation results as summarised in Appendix A of the report be noted;


(b)       That the project implementation brief as set out in Appendix B of the report be approved subject to the following optional variations to the project:


(i)   that the project is undertaken by commissioning different artists to each produce one artistic installation and that will collectively form the trail;


(ii)   that the project attempts to integrate water refill stations in to some of the artistic installations and to do so in partnership with Wessex Water.



The committee considered a report on the public consultation undertaken to inform the public art project in Weymouth and sought members agreement as to the brief for implementation of the project.


Members were advised that during the research of the project, B-side had explored the potential for the public art installations to include water refill units.  The committee was really supportive of this concept and keen for the council to back any project that promoted a reduction in single-use plastics.   


Discussion were on-going with Wessex Water regarding funding this element of the project.  It was also agreed that the trail should preferably be produced by a variety of artists; for example a different artist for each installation.




(a)       That the consultation results as summarised in Appendix A of the report be noted;


(b)       That the project implementation brief as set out in Appendix B of the report be approved subject to the following optional variations to the project:


(i)   that the project is undertaken by commissioning different artists to each produce one artistic installation and that will collectively form the trail;


(ii)   that the project attempts to integrate water refill stations in to some of the artistic installations and to do so in partnership with Wessex Water.



St Albans Street Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Economy, Leisure and Tourism.


(a)       That Dorset County Council be asked to introduce an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for St Alban Street, including a period of consultation with businesses and the general public.


(b)       That a budget of £12,000 be considered by the Budget Working Group.



The Brief holder for Transport and Infrastructure presented a report seeking support and funding to introduce a trial pedestrianisation scheme in St Alban Street in Weymouth town centre.


Members were advised that the council had already implemented a scheme to improve pedestrian access to St Mary and St Thomas Streets, working with Dorset County Council that had required input from the Town Centre Manager.


A proposal was now being brought forward to extend the pedestrianisation of further streets in the town centre in particular for St Alban Street. However there was no funding available for this project.


It was propose by Cllr Huckle that an experimental traffic regulation order be introduced, estimated to cost £12,000.  This would allow for a trial to take place over up to 6 months, featuring extensive consultation with businesses and the general public. If successful, the full cost of the implementing the scheme covering St Alban and related streets was estimated to be £80,000.


Overall, the committee was supportive of the proposal, but concerned about impact of not achieving the long-term funding, if the project proved to be successful.


It was proposed by Cllr C Huckle seconded by Cllr A Reed




(a)       That Dorset County Council be asked to introduce an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for St Alban Street, including a period of consultation with businesses and the general public.


(b)       That a budget of £12,000 be considered by the Budget Working Group.



Support to people vulnerable through substance abuse pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To consider a report on a scrutiny request submitted to Scrutiny & Performance Committee.

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Council provides funding for sharps disposal boxes in all relevant public toilets and that all disposal boxes are clearly labelled in regards to who to contact for cleansing, maintenance and emptying.


(b)       That the Council ask Public Health Dorset to report on the effectiveness of the needle exchange scheme in the Borough and how it could be made more effective in reducing discarded needles.


(c)       That this Council supports the creation of a community safety hub for relevant agencies to work together in the town centre.


(d)       That officers work with Public Health Dorset to run an information and educational campaign around the services which are available to help those made vulnerable through substance abuse.


(e)       That officers meet with 3rd sector agencies that are involved with supporting vulnerable people to ensure there is joined up working between all service providers.



The Brief holder for Community Safety set out a report regarding the outcome of a scrutiny request to examine the council’s role in supporting people with drug and alcohol issues. Following a scrutiny request from Cllr P McCartney the Scrutiny & Performance Committee considered the issue and had made a number of recommendations.


In general members were supportive of the Scrutiny  & Performance Committee recommendations and made the following comments and observations:-


·         In response to questions, the committee was advised that 3 community safety officers had been appointed 2 were in operation in Weymouth, a 3rd was currently undertaking training and a 4th was yet to be appointed.

·         The project to establish a 3rd sector community town centre hub was welcomed, but it was considered important that their independence of the council was recognised.

·         Work to find suitable premises was on-going

·         That the installation and labelling of sharps disposal boxes be supported

·         That Community Safety work needed to continue to be supported beyond the creation of a unitary council.


It was proposed by Cllr M Byatt seconded by Cllr J Cant




(a)       That the Council provides funding for sharps disposal boxes in all relevant public toilets and that all disposal boxes are clearly labelled in regards to who to contact for cleansing, maintenance and emptying.


(b)       That the Council ask Public Health Dorset to report on the effectiveness of the needle exchange scheme in the Borough and how it could be made more effective in reducing discarded needles.


(c)       That this Council supports the creation of a community safety hub for relevant agencies to work together in the town centre.


(d)       That officers work with Public Health Dorset to run an information and educational campaign around the services which are available to help those made vulnerable through substance abuse.


(e)       That officers meet with 3rd sector agencies that are involved with supporting vulnerable people to ensure there is joined up working between all service providers.



Outside body Appointment: Weymouth Pavilion CIC Board Meeting pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To consider a report of the Councillor Development and Support Officer.

Additional documents:


(a)       That Weymouth Pavilion Community Interest Company (CIC) be included within the council’s list of outside bodies.


(b)       That members be invited to apply to be the council’s representative on this Board.


The committee considered a report on whether to include the Weymouth Pavilion Community Interest Company (CIC) within the council’s list of outside bodies. Members were generally supportive that the group should be included on the outside body list.


It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor that Cllr C James be appointed to serve on the CIC seconded by Cllr J Orrell.  Upon being put to the vote the motion was LOST. Therefore the committee asked that members be invited to apply to serve on the outside body and any applications would be considered at the next meeting of the Management Committee.


It was proposed by Cllr A Reed seconded by Cllr J Cant




(a)       That Weymouth Pavilion Community Interest Company (CIC) be included within the council’s list of outside bodies.


(b)       That members be invited to apply to be the council’s representative on this Board.


Management Committee Action Plan pdf icon PDF 583 KB

To consider the Management Committee Action Plan

Additional documents:


The committee received and noted the Management Committee action plan.  The following comments or points were made:-


·         Concern expressed about the Boxing Club timeline.  Cllr Huckle to discuss with Cllr Wheller.

·         Weymouth had purple flay status

·         Members were updated on the late nigh levy and closure of establishments in area.

·         An update on Emergency Planning processes for the new council was received

·         The Town Council would also need to consider its emergency planning process.

·         A recent Local Business hosted event was held to establish key business led growth agenda for the area.

·         In response to members request, Cllr Cant indicated that he would discuss with officers arranging a Budget Working Group meeting.

·         Town Centre traffic signage to be implemented in March 2019.


The Brief holder for Transport and Infrastructure presented a briefing note regarding the events policy and free parking permits for event organisers. A table set out within the report documented the permits issued and the equivalent cost of the parking which would have been received had these been charged for.


Members agreed that this issue needed to be highlighted and suggested that the Brief holder take up the matter with the lead member for the Environment, Road and Parks for the Shadow Council. As this sort of parking issue for volunteers (in particular for such organisations as the RNLI, Citizens Advise and Samaritans) must also be a cause for concern with other councils. 


Urgent Business

To consider any items of business which the Chair has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) )b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be specified in the minutes.


There was no urgent business to report.


4 Month Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To consider the 4 monthly Forward Plan.


The Forward Plan was received.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)


That under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12a to the Act.



That under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12a to the Act.


The meeting adjourned for a short comfort break 11.40am and returned at 11.50am.



North Quay update

To consider a report of the Head of Assets & Infrastructure.



The committee agreed on the approach to be taken in the disposing of the North Quay Site.



The committee considered a report of the progress of examining the strategy options for the disposal of the disposal of the former council offices at North Quay.


It was proposed by Cllr J Cant seconded by Cllr G Taylor




The committee agreed on the approach to be taken in the disposing of the North Quay Site.