Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Full Council
Thursday, 22nd February, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Weymouth & Portland Borough Council. View directions

Contact: Kate Critchel 0135 252234  Email:

No. Item


Welcome by the Mayor

To receive the Mayor’s announcements.


The Mayor welcomed new Councillors K Baker and K Garcia to the Council.  He also announced the sad passing of former Councillor Barry Clark.



Code of Conduct

Members are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and the Council’s Code of Conduct regarding disclosable pecuniary and other interests.


Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary or other disclosable interest


 Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done within 28 days


Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item where appropriate.  If the interest is non-pecuniary you may be able to stay in the room, take part and vote.


For further advice please contact Stuart Caundle, Monitoring Officer, in advance of the meeting.



Cllr Ian Bruce declared an interest on behalf of himself and Cllr Hazel Bruce as private landlords.

Cllr Cant declared an interest as a private landlord.

Cllr Hamilton declared an interest as a founder of the Weymouth Area Development Trust.

Cllr Orrell declared an interest as a Director of the Weymouth Area Development Trust and

Cllr Taylor also declared an interest as a private landlord.




To confirm the minutes of the last meeting, (previously circulated).


The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2018 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

30 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public to ask questions relating to the work of the Council.  (If no questioners are present at this point, the meeting will proceed to the next item).


Mr Jackson addressed the Council with regard to recent planning permissions given on Portland where there had been no Section106 agreement for affordable housing.  The Brief holder for Environment and Sustainability responded that Government legislation allowed developers to not provide affordable housing if they were able to prove it was not economically viable to do so.


Mr Hawkins addressed the Council about licencing, Hackney carriages and the closure of public toilets in the town centre.  The Mayor advised that a written reply would be to be sent to Mr Hawkins.


Mr Whatley asked if there were any plans for permanent toilets to be sited on the Esplanade.  In response he was advised by the Brief holder for Community Facilities that a report would be presented to a future meeting of Management Committee.


Mr Gray voiced concerns about anti social behaviour and drug taking in the town, he urged the Council to explore all options to tackle the problems before someone got hurt.  The Brief holder for Social Inclusion explained that she was holding  meetings with the local police and Radio Solent to tackle these issues, the Brief holder for Community Safety had asked the police to come and meet all the councillors and Policy Development Committee had considered a Anti Social Behaviour related Public Spaces Protection Order at its last meeting.


Mr Barrow also addressed the Council regarding the deterioration of the town centre and negative news.  The town was failing and he felt that the councillors, executives, MPs all had the power to do something and a joined up approach was necessary.  The Leader of the Council said he would ask the Chief Executive, who was also Chair of the Melcombe Regis Board, to respond directly to Mr Barrow. 


Mr Farn spoke about byelaws, CCTV cameras on the Marsh and waste not being collected by DWP.



To receive any petitions in line with the petition scheme.


There were no petitions.


2018/19 Budget Report pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To consider a report of the Strategic Director.

Additional documents:


The Brief holder for Finance and Assets presented the 2018/19 Budget Report and thanked the Chair of the Scrutiny and Performance Committee for thoroughly scrutinising the budget prior to submission to Full Council.


The Brief holder for Transport and Infrastructure requested that the recommendations were taken individually when the vote was taken.


Council felt that the Budget was thoughtful and measured but some members voiced their disappointed regarding the 2% increase in WPBC’s Council Tax.  It was highlighted that lack of government funding placed the responsibility on hard working people to pay more.  Officers were congratulated and commended for balancing the budget.  It was noted that some savings were being made by keeping vacancies open and It was felt that the Council should be working with all agencies to help young people in the Borough.  It was suggested that previous under-spends should be used to maintain the assets that would be retained for Weymouth and Portland.



It was proposed by Cllr Cant, seconded by Cllr Kosior and that the recommendations be voted on separately.


In accordance with procedural rule 17 a recorded vote was taken.


The Council voted on recommendation a)


Those who voted in favour: Cllrs K Brookes, H Bruce, I Bruce, M Byatt, J Cant, F Drake, J Ellis, J Farquharson, T Ferrari, K Garcia, R Hope, C James, O Kanji, R Kosior, P Nixon, J Osborne, C Page-Nash, A Reed, G Taylor.


Those who voted against; Cllrs A Blackwood, L Hamilton, C Huckle, P Kimber, P McCartney, R Nowak, G Rockingham, T Roos, M Tewkesbury, K Wheller.


Those who abstained; Cllr J Orrell.




That the proposals for balancing the 2018/19 revenue budget set out in Appendix 1 be approved.


The Council voted on recommendation b)


Those who voted in favour:  Cllrs A Blackwood, K Brookes, H Bruce, I Bruce, M Byatt, J Cant, F Drake, J Ellis, J Farquharson, T Ferrari, K Garcia, L Hamilton, R Hope, C Huckle, C James O Kanji, P Kimber, R Kosior,

P McCartney, P Nixon, R Nowak, J Orrell, J Osborne, C Page-Nash, A Reed, G Rockingham, T Roos, G Taylor, M Tewkesbury, K Wheller.




That the 2018/19 Capital Programme and Projects set out in Appendix 2 of the report be approved.


The Council voted on recommendation c)


Those who voted in favour: Cllrs K Brookes, Cllr H Bruce, Cllr I Bruce, Cllr M Byatt, Cllr J Cant, Cllr F Drake, Cllr J Ellis, Cllr J Farquharson, Cllr T Ferrari, Cllr K Garcia, Cllr L Hamilton, Cllr R Hope, Cllr C James, Cllr O Kanji, Cllr R Kosior, P Nixon, J Osborne, C Page-Nash, A Reed,  G Taylor.


Those who voted against: Cllr A Blackwood C Huckle, P Kimber, P McCartney, R Nowak, J Orrell, G Rockingham, T Roos, M Tewkesbury, K Wheller.




That the council tax charge for Weymouth & Portland Borough Council be increased by 2% per annum to £301.08 for a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
201 8/19 Budget Report Recommendation (a) Resolution

That the proposals for balancing the 2018/19 revenue budget set out in

Appendix 1 be approved.

201 8/19 Budget Report Recommendation (b) Resolution

That the 2018/19 Capital Programme and Projects set out in Appendix 2 of

the report be approved.

2018/19 Budget Report Recommedation (c) Resolution

That the council tax charge for Weymouth & Portland Borough Council be

increased by 2% per annum to £301.08 for a Band D property which was

below the 2018/19 referendum limits set by the Secretary of State.

2018/19 Budget Report Recommedation (d) and (e) Resolution

(d) That the formal resolutions in respect of the 2018/19 Budget and Council Tax including details of the council tax levels for Dorset County Council, Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner and Fire & Rescue Authority and Portland Town Council as set out in Appendix 4 of the report be approved.


(e)That the Budget Working Group reviewed the reserves available to support

once off projects in the light of the LGR decision.

  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 78.

    2018/2019 Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 61 KB

    To consider a report of the Financial Resources Manager.


    Additional documents:


    The Brief holder for Finance and Assets presented the report and the Strategic Director highlighted the increase in borrowing limits.


    It was Proposed by Cllr Cant, seconded by Cllr Huckle.



    a)    That  the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2018/2019 be agreed.


    b)    That the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy set out in Appendix C of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement be agreed.


    c)    That the Prudential Indicators set out in Appendix C of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement be agreed.


    d)    That the 2018/2019 Authorised borrowing limit be agreed.


    At this juncture Council K Baker joined the meeting.





    Community Governance Review - Consultation responses and final recommendations for local governance arrangements for Weymouth pdf icon PDF 75 KB

    To consider a report of the Corporate Manager, Democratic & Electoral Services.

    Additional documents:


    The Brief holder for Corporate Affairs and Continuous Improvement introduced the report which set out the final recommendations for the creation of a Parish Council for Weymouth.


    Cllr Hamilton proposed, Cllr Kimber seconded an amendment to recommendation (b) "that the report be considered by Policy Development Committee instead of the Steering Group for Democratic Improvement Group.


    On being put to the vote the amendment was LOST.


    It was proposed by Cllr Reed, seconded by Cllr Cant.




    a)    That the final recommendations for a new Parish Council for Weymouth summarised below, and set out in detail in the proposals document with supporting information at Appendix 2, be agreed with a view to establishing a new Parish Council at the same time as any new Unitary Council for Dorset, but the matter is not progressed further unless the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government announces a decision regarding local government reorganisation that would result in the Borough Council being abolished:


    ·           The creation of a single Parish Council covering the Weymouth area.

    ·           The name of the proposed new Parish Council will be Weymouth Town Council.

    ·           The first election to the proposed new Parish Council to be in 2019 and then every fourth year thereafter, or at such other time specified in any Structural Change Order made by the Minister for Housing; Communities and Local Government;

    ·           The number of councillors to be elected to the proposed new Parish Council (Council size) will be 29;

    ·           The proposed new parish will be divided into 12 wards for the purposes of electing councillors;

    ·           The boundaries of the wards of the proposed new Council will be as Page 51indicated on the maps attached at Appendix A to the proposed recommendation document, and follow the boundaries of the Borough Council Wards;

    ·           The name of the proposed Wards and the number of Councillors to be elected to the proposed wards is as indicated at Appendix B to the proposed recommendation document and replicate the names of the existing Borough Wards; and


    b)    Should the Secretary of State make a decision as detailed in a) above, that the Group Leaders (or a substitute) be tasked with producing proposals, including a draft Reorganisation Order, for consideration by the Steering Group for Democratic Improvement prior to Management Committee, then Full Council.


    Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

    To consider a report of the Corporate HR & OD Business Partner.

    Additional documents:


    The Brief holder for Corporate Affairs and Continuous Improvement introduced and proposed the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19.


    In response to a question regarding the gender pay gap the Brief holder for Finance and Assets explained that this was simply down to there being more males in higher grade roles than females.  There was equality of pay for jobs and grades.




    That the pay policy statement for 2018/19 at appendix 1 of the report be approved.


    Harbour Revision Order pdf icon PDF 131 KB

    To consider a report of the Head of Assets and Infrastructure.


    The Brief holder for Tourism Culture and Harbour presented the report that

    sought authority to prepare and submit a Harbour Revision Order in order to modernise and consolidate the current dated legislation relating to the Harbour operations.


    It was proposed by Cllr Kosior, seconded by Cllr I Bruce.




    a)    That an application be made to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for a Harbour Revision Order (HRO) to consolidate and modernise the applicable statutory harbour legislation.


    b)    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director with responsibility for the Harbour, in consultation with the Brief holder for Finance and Assets, the Brief holder for Leisure, Tourism and Harbour, and the Harbour Management Board, to determine the wording of the Harbour Revision Order for submission to the MMO.



    12 Monthly Review of Compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code pdf icon PDF 81 KB

    To consider a report of the Richard Noakes (Designated Person).



    The Chair of the Harbour Management Board presented the report which outlined the 12 monthly review of Weymouth Harbour including the current status of compliance with the principles of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) and advised members of Full Council as Duty Holders of any relevant information during the period. The report covered the period of February 2017 to February 2018.


    It was proposed by Cllr I Bruce, seconded by Cllr Kimber.




    a)    That the contents of the report be approved.


    b)    That a letter of compliance be sent to the MCA for their 3-yearly reporting requirement be signed by the Chair of the Harbour Management Board.


    Review of Political Proportionality pdf icon PDF 55 KB

    To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


    The report was presented by the Brief holder for Finance and Assets.  Following the results of the recent by-elections for Tophill East and Tophill West, the political proportionality of committee seats had been formally reviewed.


    In response to a question regarding the process the Assistant Chief Executive explained how seats on committees were calculated and that it was at the discretion of group leaders should they wish to negotiate those seats or give them to other political groups:-


    Cllr Hope proposed that the motion be put, this was seconded by Cllr Cant.


    It was proposed by Cllr Cant, seconded by Cllr Kosior.




    That the scheme of political proportionality and the allocation of committee seats be adopted for the remainder of the 2017/18 municipal year, in accordance with the wishes of the political groups and as set out in the appendices attached to the report.


    Dispensation Under Section 85 Local Government Act pdf icon PDF 52 KB

    To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


    The Leaders of both the Conservative and Labour groups voiced their support for the dispensation for Cllr Roebuck due to ill health.


    Cllr Taylor proposed, Cllr Hope seconded an amendment to the recommendation – "that the dispensation should be extended to 1st October 2018".  Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


    It was proposed by Cllr Cant, seconded by Cllr Huckle




    That a dispensation for Cllr Ian Roebuck from attending meetings of the council, for a period commencing on 22 February 2018 until 1 October 2018, by reason of illness be approved, in order to avoid Councillor Ian Roebuck ceasing to be a member of the authority under Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972.


    Appointment of Honorary Alderman pdf icon PDF 52 KB

    To consider a report of the Democratic Services Manager.


    Cllr Kimber introduced the report on behalf of Cllr Leicester to consider a nomination for the appointment of Honorary Alderman to former Cllr David Hawkins.


    Proposed by Cllr Kimber, seconded by Cllr Ian Bruce.




    That a special meeting of Council be convened on 31 May 2018 for the purpose of conferring the title of Honorary Alderman to David Hawkins.


    Briefholder Update Reports pdf icon PDF 61 KB

    To receive Briefholder reports from:-


    Cllr J Cant – Finance and Assets

    Cllr F Drake – Community Safety

    Cllr J Farquharson – Economic Development

    Cllr C Huckle – Transport and Infrastructure

    Cllr C James – Social Inclusion

    Cllr R Kosior – Tourism, Harbours and Culture

    Cllr R Nowak – Environment and Sustainability

    Cllr A Reed – Corporate Affairs and Continuous Improvement

    Cllr G Taylor – Housing

    Cllr K Wheller – Community Facilities


    The Brief holders invited questions from Council.


    In response to a questions regarding what was being done in conjunction with the Police Crime Commissioner the Brief holder for Community Safety advised that the PSPO Policy was scheduled for the next Management Committee and a project "Do you know where your child is?" was under consideration.


    When asked about using the North Quay car park the Brief holder for Transport and Infrastructure confirmed that arrangements were in hand to use the car park and they were waiting for a machine to be installed.  Regarding using underspends within the Budget to improve the Swannery car park, he would speak to the Car Park Manager in this regard.  He was also asked if anti-suicide/help posters could be displayed in some of the car parks.


    The Brief holder for Environment and Sustainability was reminded that at January’s Full Council meeting he agreed  to email all councillors and advise where the processing of Dorset’s waste took place.   The Brief holder also advised that some government funding had been allocated to the Comer Homes housing project on Portland which would create additional homes on the island.


    The Brief holder for Housing was asked about the open space below the British Legion on Portland – this was being considered by the Regeneration and Asset Management Group and she would respond to the question directly.  There was a new Empty Homes Officer to help put empty homes back into use.





    Committee Chairman Update Report pdf icon PDF 61 KB

    This report is intended to give a summary of the work of each of the committees of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council.  The minutes of all of the meetings setting out the detail of decisions made and information received will have been previously circulated to all members.


    The Committee Chair report was received and noted.


    Notice of Motion

    "I don`t believe there is any member of this Council who is not concerned about the shortage of affordable homes both to buy and to rent for local people and key workers.  The County Council is having difficulty engaging social workers and teachers, The Police and Fire Authorities and Health Services have similar problems with recruitment and retention of staff.  Why is this?  Because despite these being vital and valuable and skilled jobs they are not particularly well paid and there is a shortage of homes young professional can afford.  Weymouth and Portland is in the lowest quartile in income levels, with a shortage of residents in skilled, permanent work. Dorset overall is an expensive County in which to live. We, the Labour Group propose that the Council urgently explore forming a housing company to acquire a significant number of the new houses currently being built in the Borough; for example Curtis Fields, Littlemoor, to be offered for rent or shared ownership. We suggest working with potential employers, previously named, who are devising incentive schemes to attract workers to the County.

    Whilst "growing our own"  and developing skills training  in schools and colleges is to be applauded and encouraged this is a long term project and does not address the shortage of skills currently experienced. Added advantages being that planning permission has already been granted and  much of the building already commenced so no delay in implementation.  Offering homes to skilled workers within the Borough immediately raises the average earning of the Borough which is a key priority


    Proposed by Kate Wheller

    Seconded, Colin Huckle, Ray Nowak,  Lucy Hamilton, Andy Blackwood, Mark Tewkesbury, Gareth Rockingham , Anne Weaving, Tia Roos, Paul Kimber, Sandy West.    



    The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr K Wheller and seconded by the Labour party members.


    "I don`t believe there is any member of this Council who is not concerned about the shortage of affordable homes both to buy and to rent for local people and key workers. The County Council is having difficulty engaging social workers and teachers, The Police and Fire Authorities and Health Services have similar problems with recruitment and retention of staff. Why is this? Because despite these being vital and valuable and skilled jobs they are not particularly well paid and there is a shortage of homes young professional can afford. Weymouth and Portland is in the lowest quartile in income levels, with a shortage of residents in skilled, permanent work. Dorset overall is an expensive County in which to live. We, the Labour Group propose that the Council urgently explore forming a housing company to acquire a significant number of the new houses currently being built in the Borough; for example Curtis Fields, Littlemoor, to be offered for rent or shared ownership. We suggest working with potential employers, previously named, who are devising incentive schemes to attract workers to the County.

    Whilst "growing our own" and developing skills training in schools and colleges is to be applauded and encouraged this is a long term project and does not address the shortage of skills currently experienced. Added advantages being that planning permission has already been granted and much of the building already commenced so no delay in implementation. Offering homes to skilled workers within the Borough immediately raises the average earning of the Borough which is a key priority"




    That the Notice of Motion be submitted to the Policy Development Committee for consideration.


    Urgent Business

    To consider any items of business which the Chair has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.  The reason for the urgency shall be specified in the minutes.



    There was no urgent business.


    Exempt Business

    To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph x of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). 


    There are no exempt items


    There was no exempt business.