Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 9.30 am

  • Meeting of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee, Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 9.30 am (Item 101.)

30 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public to ask questions relating to the work of the Council.  3 minutes will be allowed per speaker. The order of speakers is at the discretion of the Chair and is normally taken in the order of agenda items, questions must relate to a report which is on the agenda for consideration.  Notice is not required if you wish to speak at the meeting but if you require an answer to a question it is advisable to submit this in advance by contacting a member of the Democratic Services team or alternatively, by emailing




Rex Johnson addressed the committee with regard to North Quay and expressed the view that the building should not be demolished for sustainability, environmental and heritage reasons.  He noted that the national planning policy framework encouraged the reuse of buildings and that he felt that demolition of the building was wasteful on all levels.  He suggested that the building could be used as a high quality hotel or if not, for social housing.  He felt that more time was needed and that this should be looked at by the successor councils in order to achieve the best outcome for the town.


Mrs Pru Bollam addressed the committee on behalf of Weymouth Civic Society to support the general redevelopment of the North Quay site and to express the importance of the harbourside and the character of the area.  Weymouth Civic Society welcomed the council’s choice of Magna Housing Association, which would provide accommodation for local people in the long term as well as some commercial use along North Quay.  In addition she made comments in respect of highways issues, the need to provide parking and the height of the buildings which were felt to be excessive.  The civic society looked forward to the next stage of the development of the town.


In response, the Chair noted that he had been impressed by the contribution of the civic society and offered thanks for their broad support of the scheme.  He encouraged the civic society to continue to engage and noted that there would be further consultation on the detailed design.


Mr Ewans of Jurrasic Coast holdings addressed the committee with regard to North Quay and indicated that he felt that this was the wrong location for the mix of development and that funding should be used for development elsewhere in the town.  He also noted that other offers were available.  He asked that the issue was halted until other commercial alternatives were looked at, which he felt would better address the needs of the town.


Graham Perry addressed the committee with regard to car parking provision for the North Quay site for various uses in the area, which he stated was vitally important to any regeneration and to ensure public use of the area.  He also referred to the use of the site for the museum.


In response, the Chair noted that the site had to be viable, which was why some compromise may be required.  He encouraged Mr Perry to continue to contribute to consultation on the site.


Mr Whatley addressed the committee with regard to various matters including the North Quay consultation, the advertising of jobs for Weymouth Town Council, the role of particular services and what would be happening with the laser columns.


In response, the Chair confirmed that relevant staff would transfer to Weymouth Town Council under TUPE.  A Reed noted that the staff structure was being developed and was in the public domain.  Staff being transferred to the town council would continue in their current role and external recruitment would be undertaken where required.  With regard to the question on the laser columns, a response would be provided to Mr Whatley following the meeting.


Andy Hutchings thanked the Chair and committee for the courtesy shown to him as a member of the public.  In addition he asked for confirmation of funding provided to good causes from car parking income.


In response C Huckle confirmed that it had been agreed that £1,500 would be provided to the veterans hut and £2,000 would be provided to the shelter bus.


Mr Farn expressed thanks to the borough council following the installation of a bin on Westham bridge and also noted that bins were being emptied on a more regular basis.  In addition he asked for clarification as to future dates and arrangements for committee meetings.


In response, the Chair confirmed that Weymouth and Portland Borough Council would cease to exist after 31 March 2019 and there would be no further borough council meetings after this date.  The Head of Paid Service confirmed that meetings of the Dorset Council would be held in Dorchester and that members of the public would be able to attend.  Meetings of the Weymouth Town Council would be held in Commercial Road, Weymouth and there would be public speaking arrangements.