Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 9.30 am

  • Meeting of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee, Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 9.30 am (Item 105.)

To consider a report of the Head of Assets and Infrastructure.


Members agree to:-


i)          Support the initial scheme design – Site Approach 1 – as set out in Appendix 1 of the report

ii)         Grant delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service to enter into a grant agreement with Homes England and to agree the terms of such an agreement

iii)       Grant delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service to continue to negotiate terms for a joint venture agreement with Magna Housing Association.


The committee received and considered a report of the Head of Assets and Infrastructure with regard to the current position with the former Weymouth and Portland Borough Council offices, North Quay, Weymouth.


The Chair provided a short history of the proposals for the site and noted the timescale for getting to the current position.  He confirmed that the proposed scheme had been agreed in principle and therefore the discussion at the meeting was in respect of the options put forward by Magna Housing Association.  There would be no further debate on any other alternatives.


The Head of Assets and Infrastructure confirmed that at this stage it was for the committee to consider the initial proposals produced by Magna and the responses from the public consultation undertaken.  It was noted that Site Approach 1 had received the most support from the public.  The report contained 3 parts which included consideration of the design to be supported by members, risk elements with the Homes England grant and the in-principle approach that the borough council and Dorset Council would be taking moving forward.  He confirmed that the Management Committee was not being asked to look at the planning merits of any proposal.  A number of unsolicited interest and offers had been received and detail of these were set out in the confidential appendix.


The Chair confirmed that the committee would consider recommendations i), ii) and iii) in open business and that recommendation iv) would be considered in exempt business.


Members considered the issues arising from the report and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                A general level of support was expressed for Site Approach 1 which was felt to be consistent with the original proposal

·                There needed to be a comprehensive approach to traffic management associated with the proposal

·                Support was expressed for the inclusion of accommodation for older persons within the proposal

·                A point was noted that it was important to achieve a balanced community with the inclusion of shared ownership housing and market sale housing

·                A number of members expressed concerns with regard to parking and the importance of ensuring parking provision for that area for residents, visitors and harbour users.  A number of suggestions were made for how parking could potentially be provided and a point made that there was a need to look at the detail of the designs

·                A specific point was made that there was no wish to make the buildings higher in order to have parking provision underneath

·                It was noted that these issues would be for consideration by Dorset Council in the future

·                A concern was noted with regard to potential flood risk and that the design needed to take this into account

·                A point was raised as to whether the existing building should be reused or whether the proposal should be a new build.  It was noted that there should be consideration within Approach 1 as to whether any part of the existing structure could be reused

·                Reference was made to whether the museum could be accommodated within the proposal

·                A point was noted that there was a need for a strategic overview of the site to include the nature of the development, landscaping and heritage issues.


It was proposed by J Cant seconded by G Taylor




Members agree to:-


i)          Support the initial scheme design – Site Approach 1 – as set out in Appendix 1 of the report


It was proposed by J Cant seconded by C Huckle




Members agree to:-


ii)         Grant delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service to enter into a grant agreement with Homes England and to agree the terms of such an agreement

iii)       Grant delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service to continue to negotiate terms for a joint venture agreement with Magna Housing Association.

Supporting documents: