Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 10th July, 2018 9.30 am

  • Meeting of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee, Tuesday, 10th July, 2018 9.30 am (Item 21.)

To consider a report of the Corporate Manager, Planning (Community & Policy Development).



Recommendation to Full Council


(a)       That the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan Review: Preferred Options document be approved for the purpose of public consultation;


(b)       That authority be delegated to the Corporate Manager, Planning (Community & Policy Development), in consultation with the Brief Holder, to make any further minor textual changes as necessary prior to the consultation start date.



The Brief holder for Environment and Sustainability set out the report proposing to take forward the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan review "Preferred Options" document to public consultation. He advised that he was happy to support the document going out to consultation unchanged in order that public opinion could be sought on the proposals


The Strategic Director confirmed that the proposal was for recommendation to Full Council and if agreed the public consultation would take place for eight weeks from August to October.  He also advised that Policy Development Committee had recommended that WEY 15 Redland Farm be removed from the Local Plan "Preferred Options" document.


The results of the consultation would shape the final version of the plan that would be submitted for examination.


In discussing the public concerns raised and in response to a question regarding removing the site WEY 15, most members considered that it was important not to circumvent the public consultation process regarding these sites. The Chair noted that members had heard some very powerful arguments from the public against the proposed sites and it would be for Full Council to decide on the consultation document.


Cllr G Taylor also agreed that the potential sites should remain within the document and asked the public present to consider, if not these sites for development, where could the council develop and create homes for future generations?


The Chair took the opportunity to thank the public for their comments and attendance at the meeting.


Recommendation to Full Council 


(a)       That the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan Review: Preferred Options document be approved for the purpose of public consultation;


(b)       That authority be delegated to the Corporate Manager, Planning (Community & Policy Development), in consultation with the Brief Holder, to make any further minor textual changes as necessary prior to the consultation start date.

Supporting documents: