Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 10th July, 2018 9.30 am

  • Meeting of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee, Tuesday, 10th July, 2018 9.30 am (Item 19.)

30 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public to ask questions relating to the work of the Council.  3 minutes will be allowed per speaker. The order of speakers is at the discretion of the Chair and is normally taken in the order of agenda items, questions must relate to a report which is on the agenda for consideration.  Notice is not required if you wish to speak at the meeting but if you require an answer to a question it is asdvisable to submit this in advance by contacting a member of the Democratic Services team or alternatively, by emailing




There were a number of members of the public in attendance to address the committee regarding concerns on the Local Plan Preferred Options report. The Brief Holder for Environment and Sustainability advised that the local plan document was still in the informal consultation phase. This consultation document would need to be approved by Full Council before it was released from public consultation between August and October 2018.


Mr D Berry advised the committee that he supported the Policy Development Committee’s recommendation not to include WEY 15 (Redlands Farm) within the local plan document. He referred to the on-going petition to save the farm site and the number of signatures it had received. Mr Berry also referred to the importance of maintaining the green open gap, retaining the hedgerows for the local wildlife and safeguarding local amenities.  He asked the committee to support the removal of WEY 15 prior to the document going out to consultation.


Mr M Jackson advised members that he was speaking on behalf of a number of concerned residents in the area of the proposed site WEY 14, Wyke Oliver Farm.  He referred to resident evidence that showed that the area was totally unsuitable for development due to the clay soil, risk of flooding and subsidence.  He asked the committee to ensure that the planning department had carried out due diligences prior to considering this site.  He asked the committee to remove WEY 14 from the planning document.


Mr H Burden also requested for the removal of WEY 14 from the Local Planning Review document on the grounds of the known impact of ground movement in the area.


Mr G Barrow informed the committee that the area of Budmouth Avenue area was a known risk of flooding as a number of springs in the area effected pathways and roads in the springtime. The local fields were often wet underfoot and the committee should consider this area with caution.  He suggested that there was clear evidence of ground movement and asked that the committee  ensure that the planning department had carried out due diligences prior to considering this site.  He suggested that WEY 14 was suitable for development.


Mr D Cocks addressed the committee requesting for the removal of area WEY 14 from Local Planning Review due to concern over the impact of additional traffic in the area. A number of residents would be affected and Pinemore Close was inappropriate for access as it was too narrow. He asked the planning department to consider the site in more detail, beyond a paper exercise and he was sure they would conclude that it was unsuitable for development.


Mr D Hebditch addressed the committee on behalf of the owners of Redland Farm (Wey 15) which had been discussed in detail at Policy Development Committee.  He advised that his client had not been able to comment at that meeting and that the Policy Development Committee had been misinformed. He advised members that the tenant of the farm was on a short term lease agreement which expired at the end of the year.  He suggested that the proposal to develop the land would enhance WEY 12 whilst delivering enough open space to the West of the area.


Mary Brightwell referred to the Local Plan document and expressed concerns regarding the proposed access point from Wyke Oliver Close which she considered to be unsuitable. Many of the trees in the area were subject to Tree Preservation Orders and there was also concern about pollution, dust and noise effecting the health and wellbeing of current local residents.


Brian Barns also addressed the committee regarding the addition of Wyke Oliver Farm to the Local Plan document which he considered to be unsuitable for traffic access and the issue of  ground movement in the area should also be a consideration.


The Chair invited the Strategic Director to respond to the public comments regarding the Local Plan review and the "Preferred Options" document.


Mr Farn referred to the Dorset Waste Partnership and the refund due to the Borough Council. He also expressed concern regarding the weeds in the pathway along the Swannery and other litter picking issues.  He also referred to the last Planning Committee that was recently cancelled.  In response the Head of Community Protection advised that Dorset Waste Partnership refund had been received by the

Council and it was a matter for Councillors to decide how it was used. In respect of the weeds on the Swannery pathway, Dorset County Council would be contacted after the meeting.