Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 11th December, 2018 9.30 am

To consider a report of the Housing Improvement Manager.


That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing to commence a formal consultation exercise on proposals to designate a ‘Selective Licensing’ scheme, to cover those parts of the Melcombe Regis ward, as detailed in Appendix IV and V of the report of 11 December 2018.



Cllr G Taylor in the Chair


The committee considered a report on work undertaken in response to a proposal from the Melcombe Regis Board to consider a Housing based intervention to address issues identified within the ward of Melcombe Regis. Cllr Taylor welcomed Rob Turner and Sarah Hughes from Salford City Council. The City Council had been commissioned to review the evidence base and advise the council on the Board’s preferred options for intervention which was that of a "Selective Licensing" designation for the ward. Members were advised that the City Council had considerable experience in licensing of the private rented sector having already introduced seven such schemes in their own area.


In response to questions, the committee was advised that the proposal would go out to public consultation for a 10 week period allowing the public to be engaged and part of the process.   The consultation was likely to end in March 2019 and it would be for the new Dorset Council to consider its implementation. 


The committee was further advised that Policy Development Committee had considered the proposal as had the Melcombe Regis Board.  Letters of support for the proposal had also been circulated with the report from key partner organisations including Dorset Police, Dorset County Council, and the Dorset Waste Partnership. 


Members supported and welcomed the proposal, but acknowledged that it was important that the cost of implementing any scheme, including the consultation stage, be covered by the licence fee should a designation be eventually confirmed.


It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor seconded by Cllr R Nowak




That authority be delegated to the Head of Housing to commence a formal consultation exercise on proposals to designate a ‘Selective Licensing’ scheme, to cover those parts of the Melcombe Regis ward, as detailed in Appendix IV and V of the report of 11 December 2018.


Supporting documents: