Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 18th September, 2018 9.30 am

To consider a report of the Strategic Director.


The committee considered a report of the Strategic Director which updated members on progress with the regeneration of the Weymouth Peninsula site and sought support, in principle, for the next phase of works. Including detail on the necessary borrowing to facilitate delivery of the first phase of the project.


Members were advised that a similar report had been received and considered by the Harbour Management Board and the Management Committee was asked to make a recommendation to Full Council, as the Statutory Harbour Authority and decision making body.


The Strategic Director provided background to the scheme and noted that officers had worked with advisors at Cushman and Wakefield in order to test and refine the business case for the Peninsula regeneration.  The proposal for a leisure led development had been submitted for outline planning permission and therefore it was noted that the fine detail of the design had not yet been undertaken and that the final layout was also subject to amendment. 


The Strategic Director also provided an overview of the business case and highlighted that phase 1 which was being considered at this meeting, included a hotel, pub/diner, café, public realm and infrastructure works, harbourside improvements, a public walkway around the Peninsula and the replacement of Harbour Wall "D".  Delivery of phase 1 would set out a clear statement of intent and build market confidence in the site in order to progress phase 2 to include the delivery of leisure units and restaurants. 


The Strategic Director advised the committee that in considering the recommendation the Harbour Management Board agreed the following amendment. " (e) That the scheme be delivered under the auspices of the SHA to include key elements of operational harbour improvements and public walkway/cycleway around the Peninsula, to be undertaken within phase 1".


It was suggested by the Chair that this amendment should be added to the report recommendations and this was agreed by all members.


The committee considered the issues arising from the report and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                The committee was keen to see the development progress and the report represented a major step forward.

·                The provision of additional all year round and wet weather facilities was welcomed. Although there was some disappointment that this would not be part of phase one, the majority of the committee accepted the reasons behind this proposal.

·                There was a request that the comments expressed in at the Harbour Management Board and this meeting be referred to in the decision report to Full Council.

·                The committee was keen that the public access and cycleway be included in phrase one of the project.

·                It was suggested that in phase two, officers investigate whether a decked/muli-storey car park was desirable.

·                A point was made to ensure that a proper public transport interchange be developed at the railway station, to include bus service and cycle provision.  This would support less car parking space requirements on the peninsular.

·                Members acknowledged that the council would need to rely on the new Dorset Council to take forward phases 2 & 3.

·                Concern was expressed that the Harbour's future prosperity must be secured.

·                Concern was expressed regarding the small businesses operating on the Peninsular and how was their future likely to be supported and secured.

·                A point was made that more reassurance was required regarding the outline planning application and an expression that the project should have had more vision.

·                Lack of detail on the leisure element and a concern that this was not ambitious enough.

·                The development was important for the regeneration for the area and local residents. 

·                The council must make a sound financial decision, retaining wealth within the community and for the benefit to the town and its people.


Upon being put to the vote all the recommendations were unanimously agreed, including the amendment at (e).


Recommendation to Full Council


(a)       That the progress with the regeneration scheme for the peninsula be noted;


(b)       That the business case as attached in confidential Appendix 3 be approved;


(c)       Borrow the sum indicated in the report in the sum of £11,441,000 for the first phase of the regeneration scheme, with funds to be drawn down and arrangements delegated to the Section 151 Officer for funding of this scheme.


(d)       That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Section 151 officer and Regeneration Asset Management Group to undertake the necessary actions to progress this scheme including but not limited to securing planning consents, procuring contracts and agreeing pre-lets.  With consultation to the Harbour Management Board and full Council as the SHA as appropriate on layout, changes which affect the business case and matters which might impact the core statutory functions associated with the running of the harbour (safety of navigation, open port duty, conservancy etc.)


(e)       That the scheme be delivered under the auspices of the SHA to include key elements of operational harbour improvements and public walkway/cycleway around the Peninsula, to be undertaken within phase 1.


(f)        That agreement be given to submit a planning application to demolish the former Ferry Terminal Building and regrade this area into the car park, with this funded from Harbour reserve (budget £250,000). To agree that uplifts in car parking income as a result of this work would pass to the SHA to give a return on their investment.


(g)       Agree, (excluding costs from item (f) above), that in the event the regeneration scheme is not progressed any abortive costs would be met from capital receipts from land sales currently progressing within the Borough outside the harbour.



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