Decision details

Dorset Community Safety Plan 2023-26, Pan Dorset Reducing Offending Strategy 2024-27 and Serious Violence Strategy 2024-25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Dorset Council

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Dorset Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is required to produce three-year Community Safety Plans that are revised annually and Reducing Reoffending.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Housing presented the recommendation to adopt the Community Safety Plan and the Pan-Dorset Reducing Reoffending Strategy. The Cabinet Member advised Council that Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) were required to produce three-year community safety plans, which were refreshed annually, and strategies to reduce reoffending. These needed to the adopted by Full Council.


In response to a question regarding levels of hate crime, the Cabinet Member confirmed that the level of hate crime in the Dorset Council area was low, and members of the public could be assured that Dorset was relatively safe. However, this matter would continue to be monitored by the CSP.  In response to further questions, the Cabinet Member advised that the strategy would be considered by Scrutiny Committee on a date in the future as part of annual reporting.


It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor and seconded by Cllr S Robinson




That the Community Safety Plan 2023-2026 (2024-25 refresh), pan-Dorset Reducing Reoffending Strategy 2024-2027 and Serious Violence Strategy 2024-25 be adopted.


Reason for the Decision


To ensure that Dorset Council meets its duties as set out in relevant legislation.

Publication date: 22/10/2024

Date of decision: 10/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 10/10/2024 - Dorset Council

Accompanying Documents: