Decision details

Approval of the Updated Terms of Reference for the Harbour Consultative Groups

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Reason for the Decision


The existence of advisory bodies is a requirement of the Weymouth Harbour Revision Order and the draft Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbours Revision order currently being consulted upon. These groups require clear terms under which they will operate in order that the Harbour Advisory Committee, Duty Holder and Harbour Teams receive representative feedback from harbour users in an organised, fair and transparent manner.


It is important to review these terms occasionally, and in particular when it becomes apparent there are some shortcomings in their content. This review of the Terms of reference supports the Dorset Council Harbours Strategy objective to strengthen relationships with harbour users and stakeholders and work in partnership to achieve common goals.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected






Harbours Advisory Committee – 15 March 2023.


Budget Implications


The Harbour team provides administrative support for the consultative groups as part of normal operations. Costs are kept to a minimum as meetings are generally hosted by one of the member organisations.


Legal Implications


As set out in the report.


Any Conflict of Interest?




Reference Documents


Committee papers of the Harbours Advisory Committee – 15 March 2023.


That the updated terms of reference for the Harbours Consultative Groups be approved.

Publication date: 30/03/2023

Date of decision: 15/03/2023