Decision details

Protocol for Planning Obligations Funding Allocations - Community Scheme

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To set out a protocol for determining suitability of eligible bodies entrusted to spend s105 financial contributions that have been collected for a specific purpose.


Reason for the Decision


1.      At its Annual Meeting, Council decided to continue to meet virtually for all non-executive committees. The Leader of the Council also decided that Cabinet should continue to meet virtually until social distancing requirements had been removed. Therefore, the Portfolio Holder for Planning has made this decision taking into account the views expressed by the wider cabinet membership.


2.      To provide a framework for managing the allocation of s106 developer contributions to appropriate bodies which is clear, consistently applied, and which secures appropriate levels of accountability.


Budget Implications


Developer contributions are funds which are collected from developers via the planning system for specific mitigation and infrastructure purposes. The proposed protocol will provide the necessary assurances that, where community scheme allocations are made, this will be spent on the delivery of infrastructure for which it was collected, and will minimise the financial risk to Dorset Council of any claims by developers for the return of unspent funds.



Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Planning


1.  Agree the protocol for the award of planning obligations funding allocations to appropriate bodies, as set out in appendix A of the report to Cabinet 18 May 2021.


2. Confirm that the protocol would be used to consider eligibility of those bodies seeking to spend s106 planning obligations in accordance with the purposes for which the obligations were collected; and


3. That the protocol would come into effect on 19 May 2021.

Publication date: 19/05/2021

Date of decision: 18/05/2021

Effective from: 27/05/2021

Accompanying Documents: