Decision details

Dorset Skills Commission

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



(a)  That a Dorset Skills Commission be created between November 2021 and September 2022


(b)  For this Commission to facilitate the skills delivery needed for an effective and at-pace response to a jobs-led approach to COVID-19 economic recovery across Dorset


(c)  That the Commission undertakes a review into the Dorset skills landscape – with a particular consideration of the National Skills White Paper, producing a report that lays out a potential skills journey and opportunities/needs based on 10-, 20- and 30-years trajectories


Reason for Decision

Delivering sustainable economic growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in Dorset, creating great places to live, work and visit” is one of the five Corporate priorities in the Dorset Council Plan. People and Skills is one of the six foundations of the Dorset Council Economic Growth Strategy.


The establishment of a dedicated Commission will oversee an effective and at pace response to a jobs-led approach to COVID-19 economic recovery.  It would also provide an objective and independent review of the future Dorset Skills landscape, helping to shape a world-class skills and learning infrastructure for all communities


Budget Implications

Several organisations, including Arts University Bournemouth and Dorset LEP have expressed interest in sponsoring the Commission so the cost for each of the Councils is likely to be in the order of £5,000, plus officer time in support of the Commission.  Actions arising will be delivered through a combination of committed resources, securing external funding and bids for additional funding as and when appropriate.


Reference Documents

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, 10.00 am - Dorset Council



(a)  That a Dorset Skills Commission be created between November 2021 and September 2022


(b)  For this Commission to facilitate the skills delivery needed for an effective and at-pace response to a jobs-led approach to COVID-19 economic recovery across Dorset


(c)  That the Commission undertakes a review into the Dorset skills landscape – with a particular consideration of the National Skills White Paper, producing a report that lays out a potential skills journey and opportunities/needs based on 10-, 20- and 30-years trajectories


(d)  That the Commission works closely with the Dorset Skills Board and Panel to support immediate implementation of the wider skills priorities within the agreed Dorset Skills Plan and Dorset Investment Prospectus.


(e)  That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder(s)for Children, Education, Skills, and Early Help and Economic Growth, Assets and Property to agree with BCP Council and the Dorset LEP the governance structure and membership of the Board for inclusion in the Terms of Reference.

Publication date: 07/10/2021

Date of decision: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 15/10/2021