Decision details

Planning for Climate Change: Interim Guidance and Position Statement Sustainability Checklist and Listed Building Guidance

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To present three documents that have been prepared in relation to planning for the climate emergency. The Interim Position and Guidance Statement has been prepared to clarify existing planning policy requirements and to provide guidance to decision-makers on the weight to be attributed to climate in relation to planning applications for new built development and renewable energy schemes. It also sets out what the council expects from planning applications. A sustainability checklist has been prepared to provide guidance on the information to be included with submitted sustainability statements and to encourage best practice.
A guidance document has also been prepared to give advice on works that may be able to be undertaken to improve the energy efficiency of listed buildings.
The report seeks the views of Overview committee and endorsement by Cabinet.



(a)           That the content of the report and the Interim Guidance and Position Statement (appendix 1) Sustainability Checklist (Appendix 2) and Listing Buildings: what you can do for climate change (Appendix 3) be considered and approved.


(b)           That the three documents in the appendices for consultation, as well as a related amendment to the Local List (Appendix 4), be agreed.


(c)           That agreement to any minor changes that were considered necessary prior to the consultation starting, be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Planning to approve.


(d)           That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Planning in consultation with the Executive Director for Place to consider the consultation responses and agree final wording of the documents listed in Recommendation (a) above.


Reason for the decision


To enable efforts to be taken to address the climate emergency when new buildings were proposed and to assist with decision-making for renewable energy proposals. The Interim Guidance and Position Statement and Sustainability Checklist would give clarity to developers as to the expectations of Dorset Council when considering development proposals.


The Listed Buildings document would provide guidance for owners of listed buildings when considering energy efficiency works. Consultation enables the documents to be adjusted to reflect issues raised and therefore for weight to be given to it when making planning decisions. Should significant changes to any of the documents be considered necessary as a result of the consultation, councillors would be given the opportunity to consider revised versions prior to their use in planning decisions.



Report author: Steven Ford

Publication date: 29/03/2023

Date of decision: 28/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 28/03/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/04/2023

Accompanying Documents: