Decision details

Amendment to existing School Crossing Patrol Policy in respect of vacant sites

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Reason for the decision


The current policy requires Dorset Council to follow national guidelines, which already allows Local Authorities to interpret those guidelines as they see fit.


The update is required to document a new approach, that would allow more sustainable Highway options to be considered once a site becomes vacant to address recruitment and retention difficulties, to make best use of limited funds and to increase road safety for the school and wider community.


For example, the installation of an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing combined with a reduced speed could provide a more sustainable safety feature to support the school and the wider community outside the school crossing patrol times.


This update is consistent with the Executive Decision Note dated 14 February 2023 that updated Dorset Councils policy for pedestrian crossing requests.


Alternative Options considered and rejected


No alternatives.




Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways

Kate Tunks, Service Manager, Infrastructure and Assets

Colin Moors, Highways Improvement Team Leader

Tony Burden, Road Safety Manager

Rob Camp, Schools Road Safety Officer


Budget Implications


Any removal of a school crossing patrol site will provide on average a £6k revenue saving.  Installing new Highway mitigating measures would require a one-off capital expenditure.


Legal Implications


Whilst Dorset Council adopts national guidelines for the delivery of the school crossing patrol service, there is no legal obligation to provide school crossing patrols.


Reference Documents


National School Crossing Patrol guidelines revised 2016.


Extract from national guidelines:


The School Crossing Patrol (SCP) service is a non-statutory function, and these Guidelines are not intended to be prescriptive.  They highlight issues that should be considered and outline advantages and disadvantages of adopting particular measures to allow Managers to make their own informed decisions suitable to their local circumstances and policies. 


Authorities providing the service should decide how best to apply the Guidelines and the criteria for assessing SCP sites.


Dorset Council School Crossing Patrol Policy.


Executive Decision Note dated 14 February 2023 that updated Dorset Councils policy for pedestrian crossing requests.



Authority is delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment to remove a school crossing patrol site, in favour of alternative mitigating Highway measures as proposed by an appropriate officer.


Publication date: 13/11/2023

Date of decision: 13/11/2023