Decision details

Determination of School Admissions Arrangement 2026 - 2027

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This is the annual statutory determination of School Admission Arrangement for Voluntary Controlled and Community Schools.


That the following policies that make up Dorset Council’s School Admissions Arrangements and Coordinated Scheme for school place allocations for September 2026, be approved and adopted



(a)           Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Timetable 2026-2027

(b)           Primary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027

(c)           Secondary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027

(d)           In Year Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027

(e)           Admissions Arrangements for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools 2026-2027.

(f)             Admissions to Maintained Nursery Units Policy 2026-2027

(g)           Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2026-2027

(h)           Armed Forces Policy 2026-2027

In addition, the following reductions in Pupil Admissions Number be approved:


(i)             Gillingham School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number from 280 to 270 with effect from September 2026.

(j)             Sturminster Marshall First School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 30 to 15 with effect from September 2026.

(k)           Hazelbury Bryan Primary School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 17 to 15 with effect from September 2026.

(l)             Greenford Primary School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 25 to 20 with effect from September 2026.


Reason for the decision

To determine admissions arrangements in accordance with statutory requirements including the Schools Admissions Code September 2021.


To ensure compliance with the latest legislation and any subsequent regulation/statutory guidance.

Report author: Ed Denham

Publication date: 26/02/2025

Date of decision: 25/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 25/02/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: