Issue - meetings

Bridport Gateway Care Campus Development - Confirmation of appointment of preferred bidders

Meeting: 11/03/2019 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 49)

Care Home and Extra Care Housing in Bridport

To consider an exempt report by the Lead Member for Adult Services.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report by Cllr Jill Haynes as the Cabinet Member for Health and Care, Dorset County Council in respect of the contract award arrangements for the Bridport Gateway Care Campus Development.  The report was considered by the Dorset County Council Cabinet at its meeting held on 6 March 2019 which agreed the recommendations. 


Cllr Haynes provided an extensive overview of the history and progress to date to arrive at a point of considering preferred bidders for the campus..


Members recognised the significant achievement of the project in realising the potential for the site and the benefits that residents and service users would gain from the development as well as the local community. 


Questions were asked in relation to the quality and cost of the future provision as well as the contractual monitoring arrangements throughout the life of the development.  Responses to the questions provided assurance for the Committee.  Members were also briefed in relation to the communications arrangements for the development.


Decision (unanimous)


That the decisions of the Dorset County Council Cabinet be supported.