To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change.
Additional documents:
(a) That
the initial impact of the ‘lockdown’ phase of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups in Dorset
(attached at appendix 1) be noted;
(b) That
the findings of a series of round-table discussions with Councillors as summarised at appendix 2, be noted;
(c) That
the an ongoing assessment of the impact on vulnerable groups through subsequent phases of the
pandemic be agreed;
(d) That
the action plan outlined at section 5 of appendix 1 be agreed; and
(e) That
the initial assessment undertaken largely by staff ‘released’ from core roles
to assist with the covid-19 response be noted and the actions set out in
section 5 require appropriate resourcing and oversight.
(f) That
the report be referred to People Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
Reason for Recommendation: To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the impact of COVID-19 on Dorset’s vulnerable communities and responds accordingly.
The Portfolio
Holder for Corporate Development and Change set out the report on how well the
Council had responded to the Covid-19 pandemic in meeting the needs of
vulnerable groups during the lockdown period.
Since the last meeting
of Cabinet work had been undertaken on an initial assessment of the ‘lockdown
phase’ including local and national
research, discussions with partners and round-table meetings with Councillors.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that it was a qualitative exercise based on a
constantly evolving situation and that the feedback from Councillors had been
hugely helpful.
The EqIA should be viewed as a “live” document that was
designed to inform decision-making during the coming phase of Covid-19, reset
& recovery. The report had a level of pre-scrutiny due to the round table
events but would also be considered by People Scrutiny Committee on 20 July
2020 with an update being reported back to Cabinet later in the year.
Additionally the EqIA had also
been internally reviewed by the Equality Action Group. Members heard from
officers who set out some of the detail findings for the action plan, including focusing on how to ensure that key
messages reached vulnerable groups. In particular
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups were at greater risk that White Ethnic
groups. There was a need to look at how the Council it would meet the
requirements of these vulnerable groups going forward into the future.
In response to a
question regarding rough sleepers, the Portfolio Holder for Housing and
Community Safety advised that some rough sleepers just didn’t want to be housed
during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, but he confirmed that officers
continued to work with them with the support of outreach services to ensure
that they were supported.
Members welcomed
the report which was content rich but noted that it was also important to
remember that many of those who were vulnerable and community shielding also wanted to make a
contribution with the skills that they had to offer.
(a) That
the initial impact of the ‘lockdown’ phase of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups in Dorset
(attached at appendix 1) be noted;
(b) That
the findings of a series of round-table discussions with Councillors as summarised at appendix 2, be noted;
(c) That
the an ongoing assessment of the impact on vulnerable groups through subsequent phases of the
pandemic be agreed;
(d) That
the action plan outlined at section 5 of appendix 1 be agreed; and
(e) That
the initial assessment undertaken largely by staff ‘released’ from core roles
to assist with the covid-19 response be noted and the actions set out in
section 5 require appropriate resourcing and oversight.
(f) That
the report be referred to People Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
Reason for Recommendation: To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the impact of COVID-19 on Dorset’s vulnerable communities and responds accordingly.