177 Dorset Council Economic Growth Strategy PDF 525 KB
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth & Skills.
(a) That the draft Dorset Council Economic
Growth Strategy be approved.
(b) That
authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder of Economic Development and
Skills to make any further, minor amendments
required following consideration by Cabinet.
Reason for the
One of the
priorities in the Dorset Council Plan 2020-2024 is to ‘deliver sustainable
economic growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in
Dorset, creating great places to live, work and visit.’ A prosperous and inclusive local economy is
vital to achieving the strategic priorities of the Council. The Economic Growth Strategy explains how the
Council will seek to deliver this priority and will be accompanied in due
course by a detailed action plan.
In presenting the
strategy, the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and Skills advised that one
of the council’s priorities for 2020-2024 was to ‘deliver sustainable economic
growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in Dorset,
creating great places to live, work and visit.’
The Portfolio Holder took the opportunity to thank all those involved in
creating the Strategy. In particular he thanked
members of the Executive Advisory Panel which had now completed its
work. But he hoped that the group would
be re-branded to allow cross-party working in order to agree a way forward in
respect of delivery of the action plan.
The Strategy
covered six foundation areas; digital, people and skills, business environment,
innovation ideas, place and transport infrastructure.
Members were
reminded that a prosperous and inclusive local economy was vital to achieving
the strategic priorities of the Council.
The Economic Growth Strategy set out how the Council would seek to deliver
this priority and members looked forward to seeing the detailed action plan.
(a) That the draft Dorset Council Economic
Growth Strategy be approved.
(b) That
authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder of Economic Development and
Skills to make any further, minor
amendments required following consideration by Cabinet.
Reason for the Decision
One of the
priorities in the Dorset Council Plan 2020-2024 is to ‘deliver sustainable
economic growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in
Dorset, creating great places to live, work and visit.’ A prosperous and inclusive local economy is
vital to achieving the strategic priorities of the Council. The Economic Growth Strategy explains how the
Council will seek to deliver this priority and will be accompanied in due
course by a detailed action plan.