Issue - meetings

Disposable Barbeque Prohibition of Use

Meeting: 30/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 164)

164 Options for Prohibiting the Use of Disposable Barbeques pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment.




That working with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue and other partners Cabinet:-


(i)         Authorise officers to proceed with detailed work to establish an options paper that looks at both the legislative as well as other alternatives available to control or prohibit barbeques and other fire related activities relating to Dorset Council area.


(ii)        Continue to support, until any further formal measures are put in place, the ongoing publicity campaign throughout the summer months in conjunction with partners. This will include the continued use of targeted signage at certain locations as well as supporting a range of social media campaigns 


Reason for Recommendation:    


To protect:

·         Dorset’s habitat, ecology and wildlife

·         Human health

·         Dorset Council’s and private property

·         And to support the safety of Dorset’s emergency services and Dorset Council staff



Members were advised that there had been a number of incidents of fire damage across Dorset as a result of the use of and/or disposal of BBQ’s or other social activity and of people having bonfires close to dry wooded and heathland areas.

The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment expressed the importance of bringing forward this report following a number of incidents including a serious fire at Wareham Forest which affected 180 hectares of heathland and was declared a major incident by the Fire and Rescue Service. 

The serious impact to human health and Dorset’s habitat, ecology and wildlife was also highlighted. The Portfolio Holder advised that the report sought approval of a group of Dorset Council officers, to link with the Fire and Rescue Services and other stakeholders to proceed with detailed work to look at the range of options to prohibit or control the use of BBQ’s and other sources that caused fire.


Members were further advised that there was little risk associated with carrying out the proposed options report. However, once options for the control of fire risk were chosen the desired outcome would be to significantly reduce or stop the potential for accidental fires starting.


The Chairman of the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Authority welcomed the report as good in partnership working across the authorities to deal with this matter. She wanted to draw members attention the increase in the number of small fires relating to disposal BBQ’s and how that had impacted on the fire service provision. It was important to remind retailers and visitors on how to use and dispose of disposal BBQ’s safely. She asked Cabinet to consider  if it was possible for the consultation to start immediately in order to bring forward a Public Spaces Protection Order earlier. The Portfolio Holder agreed to discuss this request with legal services.



That working with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue and other partners Cabinet:-


(i)         Authorise officers to proceed with detailed work to establish an options paper that looks at both the legislative as well as other alternatives available to control or prohibit barbeques and other fire related activities relating to Dorset Council area.


(ii)        Continue to support, until any further formal measures are put in place, the ongoing publicity campaign throughout the summer months in conjunction with partners. This will include the continued use of targeted signage at certain locations as well as supporting a range of social media campaigns 


Reason for Recommendation:    


To protect:

·         Dorset’s habitat, ecology and wildlife

·         Human health

·         Dorset Council’s and private property

·         And to support the safety of Dorset’s emergency services and Dorset Council staff