Defence Innovation Centre - Dorset Innovation Park
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth & Skills.
the recommendations set out in the exempt report of 28 July 2020 be approved.
Reason for Recommendation:
One of the priorities in the Dorset Council Plan 2020-2024 is to ‘deliver sustainable economic growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in Dorset, creating great places to live, work and visit.’
Cabinet considered a report in an Exempt Microsoft
Teams meeting regarding the Defence Innovation Centre – Dorset Innovation Park.
the recommendations set out in the exempt report of 28 July 2020 be approved.
Reason for
One of the priorities in the Dorset Council Plan 2020-2024 is to ‘deliver sustainable economic growth, increasing productivity and the number of high-quality jobs in Dorset, creating great places to live, work and visit.’