Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Climate and Ecology Strategy - Draft plan for consultation

Meeting: 23/07/2020 - Dorset Council - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 53)

53 Draft Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy for Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To consider the Draft Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency strategy for consultation with the public following the development of a costed delivery plan and to make a recommendation to Cabinet.

Additional documents:


The committee received and considered a report which set out the work undertaken by a councillor led Executive Advisory Panel (EAP), working with officers to make recommendations to Dorset Council’s Cabinet on actions that would help mitigate against climate change.  The EAP had overseen the development of a draft Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy which was included at Appendix A of the report.  A detailed costed delivery plan was also being developed for consideration by the Cabinet in October 2020 prior to public consultation.  The report highlighted engagement already undertaken with the wider public and key stakeholders and the proposals for consultation with the public on the draft strategy and delivery plan together later this year.


The Chairman noted that he had been a member of the EAP since its formation.  He highlighted a concern with regard to the timescale for progressing action in this area and requested pace moving forward.  In addition he noted the need for a dedicated lead councillor and officer to drive the work forward and the importance of both internal and external communications.  He provided examples of areas already progressed by the council and noted how the council had also had to manage the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic over recent months.


The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment introduced the report and highlighted that this was a major piece of work by the council which had gone through many informed stages in order to produce the draft strategy for public consultation.  He expressed his thanks to officers involved in the work.


The committee was provided with a presentation from officers, which set out the work undertaken to produce the draft strategy and details of the public consultation to be undertaken.


The committee considered the issues arising from the report and during discussion the following points were raised:


·                In response to a question as to whether there was enough data available and confidence in order to implement it, it was noted that work was underway and it was hoped to be able to have more accurate information moving forward

·                The length of the draft strategy was highlighted and a request made for an executive summary to be produced.  There was a need for people reading the document to be aware of the facts in detail and the suggestion was made that a series of executive summaries could be produced around each group of questions

·                The Portfolio Holder stressed the importance of communications leading up to and during the consultation period and gave his assurance that this would happen

·                A request was made for the committee to have sight of the public consultation document before the consultation period started.  In response, the Corporate Director for Place Services confirmed that committee members would be sent a copy of the communications plan and be given an opportunity to contribute to the tools and techniques that would be used

·                A question was raised with regard to the cost of implementing the items within the action plan,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53