22 Initial, high-level, draft budget information for 2021/22 and MTFP for 2023-2026 PDF 123 KB
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy.
Additional documents:
(a) That the updated cost pressures set out
in the paper of 6 October 2020 and the validation work that has been carried
out on these, be noted;
(b) That the amendments to the planning
assumptions used in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), be noted;
(c) That the financial gap arising from (i)
and (ii) above, be noted;
(d) Cabinet notes the tactical and
transformation savings set out in the paper to start to close the financial
gap, recognising that these are work in progress;
(f) That the Portfolio Holders work with
officers to continue to identify and develop savings opportunities through
tactical or transformational means;
(h) Cabinet continues to make the case to
Government for additional funding given the unprecedented financial
consequences of Covid-19;
(i) That Cabinet agrees the next steps
leading up to the 2021/22 Budget being presented to full Council in February
Reason for Decision
Councils are required to set a balanced budget. Essentially this means that expenditure is
balanced by income without unsustainable use of one-off, or short-term sources
of finance.
This paper is coming to Cabinet to provide an update on the budget gap
for 2021-22 and subsequent years and progress on action/savings to date. The
paper proposes an approach to close the remaining gap.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital
Strategy set out the report that provided a framework for the budget for
2021/2022 and the MTFP for 2021-2026. He also outlined the work that would be
undertaken during the autumn and winter in order that the budget could be
finalised at Council in February 2021.
Council was facing a budget shortfall of more than £60m before grants and reliefs from Government reduce the net
impact of this to around £35m. At this stage,
the continuing impact of Covid-19 on council
services and finances was
unclear, but officers were working with the best assumptions and information available.
Without further
funding from Government, the Council would use significant
quantities of its own
reserves this year; this would place additional strain on the future resilience
and potentially leave the Council unable to fund changes in demand-led services
in future. The Leader of the Council would continue to raise these concerns
with central government.
In response to a
question regarding fully funding the action plan of the Climate and Ecology
Emergency Strategy, the Portfolio Holder advised that assurance could not be
given at this stage that all project could be fully funded in their entirety
. However, the council was committed to
responding to climate change and many actions were already in progress as the
council worked towards reducing its carbon footprint.
(a) That the updated cost pressures set out
in the paper of 6 October 2020 and the validation work that has been carried
out on these, be noted;
(b) That the amendments to the planning
assumptions used in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), be noted;
(c) That the financial gap arising from (i)
and (ii) above, be noted;
(d) Cabinet notes the tactical and
transformation savings set out in the paper to start to close the financial
gap, recognising that these are work in progress;
(f) That the Portfolio Holders work with
officers to continue to identify and develop savings opportunities through
tactical or transformational means;
(h) Cabinet continues to make the case to
Government for additional funding given the unprecedented financial
consequences of Covid-19;
(i) That Cabinet agrees the next steps
leading up to the 2021/22 Budget being presented to full Council in February
Reason for Decision
Councils are required to set a balanced budget. Essentially this means that expenditure is
balanced by income without unsustainable use of one-off, or short-term sources
of finance.
This paper is coming to Cabinet to provide an update on the budget gap
for 2021-22 and subsequent years and progress on action/savings to date. The
paper proposes an approach to close the remaining gap.