Issue - meetings

Weymouth harbour and Esplanade flood and coastal erosion risk management Strategy

Meeting: 06/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Weymouth Harbour and Esplanade flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holders for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy and Highways, Travel and Environment.

Additional documents:




(a)       That the flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for the next 100 years for Weymouth, be agreed;


(b)       That officers be authorised to develop the business case towards deliverable schemes for inclusion in Dorset Council’s future capital programme.


(c)        That authority be delegated to the two relevant portfolio holders, in consultation with the Director for Place, to agree the governance structures to oversee the project.


Reason for Decision

Weymouth floods and is impacted by coastal erosion.  With a prediction of an acceleration in sea level rise and more intense weather events as a result of climate change, the problems facing Weymouth will increase significantly.


Without investment in managing this flood and erosion risk, Weymouth faces increasing direct losses through flooded assets and infrastructure and indirect impacts such as a failing property market due to blight and increasing social deprivation.



The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets & Property set out the report for the investment in managing flood and erosion risk at Weymouth harbour and the esplanade. It was one of the largest projects in the area in recent times and would bring a number of jobs to the area. He also took the opportunity to thank the Environment Agency for their technical and financial support for the project.


The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment supported the proposal and thanked  officers for their detailed report.


In response to a question from the Chairman of the Harbours Committee regarding the implications of the planning white paper, the Leader of the Council suggested that clarification would be sought and shared with members outside of the meeting at a later date.




(a)       That the flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for the next 100 years for Weymouth, be agreed;


(b)       That officers be authorised to develop the business case towards deliverable schemes for inclusion in Dorset Council’s future capital programme.


(c)        That authority be delegated to the two relevant portfolio holders, in consultation with the Director for Place, to agree the governance structures to oversee the project.


Reason for Decision

Weymouth floods and is impacted by coastal erosion.  With a prediction of an acceleration in sea level rise and more intense weather events as a result of climate change, the problems facing Weymouth will increase significantly.


Without investment in managing this flood and erosion risk, Weymouth faces increasing direct losses through flooded assets and infrastructure and indirect impacts such as a failing property market due to blight and increasing social deprivation.