50 A new way of securing developer contributions for NHS infrastructure PDF 516 KB
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Planning.
Additional documents:
(a) That the document titled
‘Exploring Developer Contributions for NHS Infrastructure’, as set out in appendix
A, be approved;
(b) That authority be delegated
to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning
to make any consequential changes to the approved document and finalise its implementation.
Reason for the
To provide a framework for securing developer
contributions for dealing with the impact of new housing development on NHS
healthcare across Dorset.
As new housing was developed in Dorset, and the
population grows, so the demand on health services increases. Along with other publicly funded services,
improvements to health infrastructure are needed to ensure services are
The Portfolio Holder for Planning advised that Dorset
Clinical Commissioning Group and the hospital trusts in Dorset currently
request contributions from larger development on a site by site basis. These
approaches have been used with varying degrees of success.
The Dorset Integrated Care System Senior Leadership
Team to set up a task and finish group to explore the potential for new housing
development to contribute towards healthcare infrastructure. Planning teams
from Dorset Council and BCP Council have worked together on this strategy to
ensure coverage across the county.
The proposed strategy identifies the extensive
capital requirements in relation to future health infrastructure requirements
in Dorset. As such the identified contributions recovered would flow to the
relevant organisation following an annual reconciliation exercise facilitated
by the relevant local authority team.
The approach as set out in Appendix A was
considered and approved by the Dorset ICS System Leadership Team on the 24th
September 2020. BCP Council will consider this approach separately in due
course. However the implementation of this approach by Dorset Council was not
dependent on that approval.
(a) That the document titled
‘Exploring Developer Contributions for NHS Infrastructure’, as set out in
appendix A, be approved;
(b) That authority be
delegated to the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder
for Planning to make any consequential changes to the approved document and
finalise its implementation.
Reason for the
To provide a framework for securing developer
contributions for dealing with the impact of new housing development on NHS
healthcare across Dorset.