6 Annual Children's Services Self-Evaluation Framework PDF 91 KB
To receive a report of the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help.
Additional documents:
That the contents of the Annual
Self-Evaluation of Children’s Services be received and noted.
The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and
Early Help presented the report stating that the requirement to produce a
comprehensive annual self-evaluation framework was part the Ofsted
inspection of children services. The report intended to enable Cabinet to
understand areas of strength and areas for development.
The Chairman invited non-executive members to ask questions and
discussion was held in the following areas: -
The Chairman of People and Health Scrutiny
Committee referred to the committee’s debate at its meeting on 20 April 2021; expressing
concern regarding short term funding and its impact on some of the services’
provision. In response the Executive Director for People (Children) welcomed
the scrutiny debate, acknowledging that there was some short-term funding.
However, she confirmed that there was also significant permanent investment in
early help.
Overall, the People and Health Scrutiny Committee
supported the report and would continue to monitor performance.
In response to a question regarding domestic abuse,
advice was given that there had been a change in provision with the numbers
requesting accommodation throughout the pandemic being reduced, however there
was an increase in outreach support which reflected the regional and national
Cabinet welcomed the report, noting that the scrutiny committee would
continue to review the framework through the performance leadership matrix.
The contents of the Annual Self-Evaluation of Children’s
Services be received and noted.