Issue - meetings

The Council's duties under Prevent

Meeting: 09/07/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 15)

15 Prevent pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To consider a recommendation from the People & Health Overview Committee.

Additional documents:


Members considered a recommendation from People and Health Overview Committee of 4 May 2021, to agree an amendment to Article 11 of the Constitution to include the new statutory Channel Panel, its proposed membership, and terms of reference.


In response to a question, members were advised that the Channel Panel would take a proportionate response to issues in terms of extremist activity. The Home Office training had been made available to all members, however it would be recirculated following this meeting.


Members indicated their support to the recommendation.


Delegated decision of the Corporate Director, Legal and Democratic Services


That Article 11 of the Council’s Constitution be amended to include the new statutory Channel Panel, its proposed membership, and terms of reference.


Decision - Prevent - Dorset Council (wdwp.local)


Reason for the decision


To ensure Dorset Council meets its statutory duties and expectations relating to Prevent.


Meeting: 04/05/2021 - People and Health Overview Committee (Item 45)

45 The Council's duties under Prevent pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Director for People, Adults.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which set out the requirements on local authorities in respect of The Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales.


Areas of discussion

Extremism can be an issue anywhere, including here in Dorset.

Training – much was dictated by central government and was delivered via Home Office online training. Prevent training was mandatory for officers and had been part of the member induction training. Link to the virtual training would be sent to members.

Might be useful to run as a regular training event.

Inclusion of communities highlighted.

Reference to the links between hate crime and Prevent. Officers worked closely with Dorset Police on hate crime issues.

The Channel Panel membership was further explained.

The opportunity for greater visibility of the Prevent Duty when the report was presented to Full Council for adoption.



1.     Members considered and commented on the Council’s work on Prevent, including the Channel system.  This was to support the Council in its duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.  Channel Panels were multi-agency practitioner groups that came together when someone was identified as being at risk of being drawn into extremism.


2.    That members of the Audit and Governance Committee be asked to amend Article 11 of the Council’s Constitution to include the new statutory Channel Panel, its proposed membership and terms of reference.


3.    Members considered how to increase awareness of Prevent work amongst Dorset Councillors including by using the Prevent Elected Members Handbook published by the Home Office.


Reason for Decisions

To ensure Dorset Council met its statutory duties and expectations relating to Prevent.