Issue - meetings

Update on Dorset Council's response to Covid-19

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Covid - 19 Response pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To consider a report from the Leader of the Council.


Appendix 1 (not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of schedule 12A, Part 1 of the local Government At 1972, as amended).




(a)           That the continued Covid-19 emergency response be noted in relation      to the organisational and incident recovery.


(b)           That the recovery plan be progressed as directed by the Local             Resilience Forum, with input from the council’s Overview Committees


(c)           That the Dorset Council Plan be reviewed and refreshed in light of the learning from Covid-19 and the revised aims of the council.



Reason for the decision


To ensure that Cabinet is able to lead and remain assured of the way that the response and recovery from Covid-19 is progressing and is able to respond effectively to the changing needs of Dorset residents during the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Chairman presented a report which updated members on the council’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  He highlighted aspects of the report in terms of costs, demand, PPE and the continuing Covid-19 response being provided to the community during the pandemic to date.  This current position was received and noted.




(a)           That the continued Covid-19 emergency response be noted in relation      to the organisational and incident recovery.


(b)           That the recovery plan be progressed as directed by the Local             Resilience Forum, with input from the council’s Overview Committees


(c)           That the Dorset Council Plan be reviewed and refreshed in light of the learning from Covid-19 and the revised aims of the council.



Reason for the decision


To ensure that Cabinet is able to lead and remain assured of the way that the response and recovery from Covid-19 is progressing and is able to respond effectively to the changing needs of Dorset residents during the Covid-19 pandemic.