Issue - meetings

Introduction and Scene Setting (17:05)

Meeting: 05/08/2021 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 5)

Introduction and Scene Setting (14:05)

Theresa Leavy, Executive Director Children to set the scene of the meeting.



The Executive Director for Children Services advised members that the number of “looked after” children currently stood and 437. This was a clear indication of the number of children coming into and existing the council’s care, were doing so in a planned way and into permanency.


In response to questions members were advised that:

·       There were still significant challenges and pressures (in line with the rest of the country) around the sufficiency of placements and the offer of “forever homes”. 

·       There was still a steady interest of people coming forward to foster or adopt, but in the last quarter there had been a decline in those applications. 

·       In response to a question, there was currently 68 young people in residential care and 70 teenagers that children services would like to see move back to either their families or into foster family care.

·       There was an increased challenge in the south-west a gap in the provision for children service.


Meeting: 22/07/2021 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 7.)

Introduction and Scene Setting (17:05)

Theresa Leavy, Executive Director Children to set the scene of the meeting.