Issue - meetings

WP/18/00662/FUL - Land Off Verne Common Road and Ventnor Road, Portland

Meeting: 30/09/2021 - Western and Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 46)

46 WP/18/00662/FUL - Land Off Verne Common Road and Ventnor Road, Portland pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Develop vacant land by the demolition of garage, formation of vehicular

access, erection of 25 dwellings & associated landscaping.

Additional documents:


Cllr Susan Cocking and Cllr Paul Kimber did not take part in the debate or vote on this item.


Cllr John Worth joined the meeting part-way through consideration of this application and did not take part in the debate or vote on this application.


The Committee considered an application to develop vacant land by the demolition of garage, formation of a vehicular access, the erection of 25 dwellings and associated landscaping.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the application, explaining that following approval by the committee in February 2020, a decision had not yet been issued due to negotiations in relation to the affordable housing element of the Section 106 Agreement.  The Portland Neighbourhood Plan (2017-2031) had been adopted in the intervening period which was a material consideration, however, its policies did not include housing allocation.


The Committee was shown a location plan, aerial photo, photos of the site, proposed site plan, elevation plans, and sections.


Following the presentation, the Technical Support Officer read out some of the public written submissions received in accordance with the protocol for public speaking. The written submissions are attached as an appendix to the minutes of this meeting.


Cllr Paul Kimber addressed the Committee as the Ward Member, speaking against the application in relation to the loss of green open space and wildlife habitat, increased traffic on Verne Common Road and overdevelopment. 


The Senior Planning Officer responded to technical points made during the public participation.


In response to technical questions put by members, the committee was advised that the site had been designated in the Portland Neighbourhood Plan as incidental open space and it was for the committee to decide what weight was given to amenity and the planning balance in light of this.


Members were informed that paragraph 14 of the NPPF did not apply as the Council could not demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, therefore paragraph 11d of the NPPF was relevant in the consideration of this application.


The Committee had concerns about this development and debated issues including the relevance of the newly adopted Portland Neighbourhood Plan,  the location of the site outside the defined development boundary, lack of services & facilities on the island; the loss of valuable open space for residents and visitors; the low number of affordable homes and road safety.  In particular, it was noted that Portland Town Council had not commented on this application.


Proposed by Cllr David Bolwell, seconded by Cllr David Shortell.


The Committee was minded to grant the application, subject to planning conditions and the completion of a legal agreement.


The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee made the following decision under delegated authority.


Decision of the Service Manager: That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes; and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46