Issue - meetings

Children in Care and CLICC Strategy and Plan (18:10)

Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 8)

8 Children in Care and CLICC Strategy and Plan (18:10) pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Simon Fraiz-Brown, Service Manager Young and Thriving, to report.


Claire Shiels assured members of keeping children’s voices as a high importance. Simon Fraiz-Brown (Service Manger Young and Thriving) discussed how they intended to go forward. They discussed care leavers being engaged in delivery groups, children being involved in the Harbour work and school council for the virtual school. Also work to be done with the young voice team to learn about personal experiences from the care system. Recognised that not all previous methods of communication have worked. Members were informed of new ways to meet young people, using virtual or workshop-based sessions. The Service Manager, Young and Thriving also discussed family days with foster carers and birth families as a key part for support. Members were encouraged to sign the recommendation in the report.


The following discussion points were made:

·       Members welcomed involving and meeting young children but questioned what limits would be in terms of meeting spaces. Members were informed of making environments meaningful for initial engagements to persuade them to stay engaged in ways that best suit them.

·       Members were informed of activities with young children. Some within the care leaver forum, Virtual School, or family activities. Providing members, the opportunities to see and work with young people first-hand.


That the following recommendations be endorsed.