Issue - meetings

P/RES/2021/01690, Higher Blandford Road

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Northern Area Planning Committee (Item 59)

59 P/RES/2021/01690, Higher Blandford Road, Cann, Dorset pdf icon PDF 367 KB

Erect 55 No. dwellings with associated open space and infrastructure. (Reserved Matters application to determine appearance, landscaping, layout & scale; following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No. APP/N1215/W/19/3227559 (LPA Ref. 2/2018/0602/OUT).

Additional documents:


The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to erect 55 No. dwellings with associated open space and infrastructure. (Reserved Matters application to determine appearance, landscaping, layout & scale, following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No. APP/N1215/W/19/3227559 (LPA Ref. 2/2018/0602/OUT).


The context of the site was described: employment allocation to the east, no conservation areas, and a listed building to the southwest but would not be affected.


The Case Officer presented to members. They were shown the layout of the site which included 17 affordable housing and various photographs. Members were shown elevations of the dwellings and street scenes, which showed the proposed appearances of the buildings as well as planting details including street trees. There would be feature buildings with green sandstone. Members were informed that each house would have some form of electric car charging infrastructure. The Case Officer informed members that the site was near a listed building, but it would not be impacted. The committee was also informed that infrastructure to allow solar panels would be installed, as a matter of conditional approval, to allow residents to install solar panels. The recommendation was to grant planning permission.


The Transport Development Manager outlined the access to the site and confirmed that changes would be made to the junction of the A30 with the B3081 to make it safer.  The site access was approved in the outline application, which included details of the position of the junction and the associated off-site highway works. In addition, there would be an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing provided for residents to have a safe crossing point across the B3081.


The Technical Support Officer read the representations which are attached as an annexure to these minutes. 


Members’ Questions and Comments


Members asked questions and made comments relating to the following:

·       Lighting for the development

·       The site being near to an AONB but not within it

·       Referred to condition 5 about extending the maintenance of trees and making it more robust.

·       Solar infrastructure for a diverse market

·       Members were pleased that this site would be making a nod to green energy with the infrastructure.

·       Sufficiency of solar panels for the positioning of the houses.

·       30% affordable housing

Proposed by Cllr Val Pothecary, seconded by Cllr Carole Jones with the extra landscaping condition of extending the maintenance of trees.


The Committee were ‘minded to’ grant the application, subject to conditions.


 The Head of Planning having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority: that the application be granted, subject to conditions and an extended landscaping condition.


Decision: That the application be granted, subject to the conditions.