Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting Dataset

Meeting: 10/03/2022 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 9)

9 Corporate Parenting Dataset pdf icon PDF 927 KB

To receive a report from the Service Manager for Corporate Parenting

and Permanence.


The Service Manager for Corporate Parenting and Permanence set out the purpose of the Dataset report to provide the Board with an overview of performance. The indicators were grouped together under the relevant areas.


The following issues were discussed and highlighted:


·       Need to look at ways to track unaccompanied refugee children data

·       Improvement in pathway plans

·       Highlighted improvement in number of care leavers in bed & breakfast with action plans in place

·       Initial health assessments consents to be completed in 5 working days with the assessment to be in place within 20 working days

·       Looking to work closer with neighbouring councils regarding health assessments.

·       Working with health colleagues

·       Making sure that council is in the national conversation re health outcomes.

·       Working group in place to explore education and employment figures, further report to come forward to the Board at a future date.

·       Council should encourage procurement companies to be offering apprenticeships to care leavers

·       The increase in mental health issues and care including provision and support to foster carers.

·       The importance of meeting and connecting with young people to have fun and get to know them.

·       Family dates would be circulated to the board.

·       Adoption – members received an explanation of the Somerset Ruling.


The Corporate Parenting Dataset was received and noted.