Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting Dataset

Meeting: 28/04/2022 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 21)

21 Corporate Parenting Dataset pdf icon PDF 934 KB

To receive a report from the Service Manager for Corporate Parenting

and Permanence.


Louise Drury, Head of Service Children in Care and Care Leavers, introduced members to the Corporate Parenting Dataset. She updated the board on initial health assessments. She also gave an overview on data of missing children and informed the board of procedures to help manage risk. Members were also informed that collaboration with the police is underway to help welfare plans. Work is continuing to support young children and develop sufficiency plans. She also highlighted the increase in foster carers to support children.


The following discussion points were made:


·       Delivery of initial health assessments.

·       Impacts of delays caused by Covid 19

·       Reasons as to why children made complaints. Members were assured that all allegations are taken very seriously and dealt with sensitively.

·       Length of allegation process.

·       Highlighted that the number of children in bed and breakfasts isn’t where it needs to be. Looking to work closer with housing colleagues to support and allocate permanent residence.

·       Looking at training and how children can be supported in education.

·       Consistent difficulties in accessing education.

·       Members would like updates on care leavers that are between 21 and 25.


The Corporate Parenting Board Dataset was received and noted.