Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Priorities update: Climate and Ecology

Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Dorset Council Priorities update: update report on Climate and Ecology priority pdf icon PDF 600 KB

The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment to report.

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment referred to the priorities set out in the Dorset Council Plan in relation to tackling the climate and ecological emergency.


He highlighted the work taking place to deliver this priority, including: -


·       Progress made in the areas of buildings, water, street lighting, and commuting.

·       Work to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions by 17% and the steps being taken towards becoming carbon neutral

·       The support and work undertaken to help Dorset become carbon neutral by 2050.

·       The impact of Covid and the lessons learnt.

·       Delivered several projects (via the 19 million grant funding available) including Low Carbon Dorset, Healthy Homes Dorset that had supported over 400 organisations and 130 homes, respectively.

·       Referred to projects set out in appendix D to the report.

·       Helping small scale operations to achieve sustainability.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted the importance of thinking about the ‘three-pillar’ approach where the climate and ecological emergencies, and the Council’s approach to adaptation, were not seen in isolation. He highlighted the scale and scope of the overall project in terms of the climate and ecological emergency, and he emphasized the importance for the council to work with its partners going forward; this should include the development of the local nature recovery strategy, refreshing the climate risk assessment, stronger focus on engagement with business and communities, the evolving national policy and guidance picture, and the role of county farms and planning in supporting biodiversity and improving the local environment.


In response to a question regarding performance indicators and measuring progress, the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment and the Corporate Director for Climate and Ecological confirmed that a RAG ratings and robust performance indicators and reporting was being put into place.


Cabinet members welcomed the detailed report and made the following comments: -


Suggested that all councillors share the report and its appendices with their local communities and parish councils; this records the commitment of the Council to Climate Change and the Ecology priority as set out in the Dorset Council Plan.


The report was received and noted.