Issue - meetings

Performance Scrutiny

Meeting: 05/07/2022 - Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

Performance Scrutiny

A review of the relevant Dorset Council performance dashboard to inform the scrutiny committee’s forward plan and identify items for deep dives.


Committee members to flag up if any areas for potential review:

Operational – Corporate: Councillors Piers Brown, Barry Goringe and David Shortell


Operational – Place: Councillors Mark Roberts, David Tooke and Jon Andrews


HR: Councillors Andy Canning, Rod Adkins and Bill Trite


The Chairman, Councillor Shane Bartlett, maintains an overview of all the above areas.


The committee considered issues arising from the Performance Dashboard that had been set up for the monitoring of performance for areas covered by the remit of the committee.  A link to the performance dashboard is provided below for information:


Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee Performance Dashboard


The following points were noted:


·       Issues around staff sickness and turnover were discussed and further information would be sought

·       The committee would receive a further update on the position with the Land Charges service at their next meeting

·       An item on ‘Delivery of new homes across Dorset’ would be considered at the September meeting of the committee

·       The indicator relating to Subject Access Requests was reported on a monthly basis and therefore no data was available this month

·       The position with reporting on PL22 (planning applications overturned at appeal) would be confirmed following the meeting.