Issue - meetings

Dorset Council Plan Priorities Update: Libraries Strategy

Meeting: 06/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 56)

Dorset Council Plan Priorities Update: Libraries Strategy

To receive a verbal update from the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Communities & Customer Services.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Communities and Customer Service updated members on the Libraries Strategy. This was a ongoing piece of work to update the Libraries Strategy which will shape how the council delivers the library service over the next 10 years.


There were 2 phases of public consultation, phase 1 “Lets talk libraries” took place in October 2021 to January 2022.  This was an open conversation with communities, employees, and partners, to understand what they value about the service and how things might be done differently. Over 7000 responses were received. The analysis was available on the “lets talk libraries” web pages.


The next phase of the consultation would be launched in October; to include a children’s survey, public survey and employee and partnership survey.  Engagement workshops would also be held to give depth to the consultation process.


It was hoped that a report would be to presented the Overview Committee in early 2023 with sign off for the new policy in the Spring of 2023.