41 Report of the Independent Chair of the Board of Directors PDF 339 KB
The Chairman of the Board introduced his report, which set
out the activity that had taken place since his previous update in December.
Officers responded to comments and requests for
clarification, details included:
- The Terms of Reference for
the Finance Sub-Committee had recently been reviewed and had a
considerable amount of work to be undertake, which meant that it was
meeting approximately every six weeks.
- The Chairman of the
Sub-Committee was a chartered accountant, with significant experience in
education and the rest of the sub-committee’s membership were
well-experienced with matters of a financial nature. The Sub-Committee was
currently charged with reviewing the budget, development of the business
plan and ongoing financial projections.
- Day to day financial
reporting was now easily accessible, including management accounts, which
had proved to be exceptionally useful.
An audit was to be undertaken at year end, and so strong desire
from the Board to ensure accounts were up to date.
- Since the Head Teacher had
been appointed and had been in post since January, the Managing Director
could focus on the strategic aims of the school, which had not been
possible beforehand as he had been overseeing the day-to-day operation of
the school.
- The feedback from the
staff and pupil surveys was being collated to be fed back to the Board of
Directors, although initial feedback indicated that parents/carers were
more engaged and that the situation at school is improving. In terms of
staff results, feedback had been positive and tri-angulated with other
data available.
- A committee had been
established by the Board of Directors to explore opportunities for community
outreach and perform the kind of ‘deep dive’ exercise that wasn’t possible
in standard board meetings, which was proving to be positive in terms of
engagement and developing a long-term leisure strategy that would maximise
community use.
- Data surrounding the usage
and financial profile would be available at the next shareholder committee
and would form part of the business plan to be put forward at the next
meeting of the Shareholder Committee.
- The Board was putting a
huge amount of time and resource into ensuring that the school is in an
inspection ready situation based on the action plan that it had submitted.
The Managing Director was Confident that OFSTED would find a greatly
improved school and governance structure. It was in the hands of OFSTED to
determine whether standards had been consistently met, and how it was
going to measure this i.e. from launch of the school, or from submission
of the action plan.