8 DCOE - Report of Independent Chair of Board of Directors PDF 141 KB
The Chairman of the Board for Dorset Centre of Excellence
introduced the report, which set out the operational progress made and the
successes of the school since the previous update in March 2023.
Officers responded to Members’ comments and requests for
clarification, details included:
- There was huge promise for
the leisure offering and many approaches were now being made to the
school, particularly from two of the local swimming schools, both of whom
were looking to commence using the swimming pool on-site from June
- The open day recruitment
event that had recently been held was focussed towards recruiting a range
of staff members across the board, which had proved to be very successful
and had resulted in several teaching assistants, as well as teachers,
being recruited. As this event had been successful, it would be repeated
together with looking at additional marketing opportunities for
The Chairman thanked the DCoE team for their comprehensive
report which drew out the issues and set out the progress that had been made.