110 Data and Business Intelligence Strategy PDF 421 KB
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder Corporate Development and Transformation.
Additional documents:
That the Data and Business Intelligence Strategy and action plan be
Reason for the decision
1. The
strategy would drive forward the council’s ambition to evolve into a proactive
data driven organisation.
2. The
strategy was aligned with the themes of the Councils Plan and positions data
and BI as enablers to deliver all the council’s priorities.
3. The
approach to data and BI was approved by members of the two overview committees
at an informal workshop on Wednesday 23 November 2022.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Transformation
presented a report on the Data and Business Intelligence (BI) Strategy which
provided strategic direction to the next steps in the council’s ambition to
place the use of data and intelligence at the core of decision making and
policy development. There was a recognition that there was a need to evolve
into a proactive data driven organisation to support effective and efficient
decision-making which would improve outcomes for the people of Dorset.
It was proposed by Cllr J Haynes seconded by Cllr P Wharf
That the Data and Business Intelligence Strategy and action plan be
Reason for the decision
1. The
strategy would drive forward the council’s ambition to evolve into a proactive
data driven organisation.
2. The
strategy was aligned with the themes of the Councils Plan and positions data
and BI as enablers to deliver all the council’s priorities.
3. The
approach to data and BI was approved by members of the two overview committees
at an informal workshop on Wednesday 23 November 2022.