Issue - meetings

TUPE Measures

Meeting: 14/01/2019 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 17)

Employee Terms and Conditions, and TUPE Measures

To receive an exempt verbal update from the Lead Member for HR & Workforce on employee terms and conditions, and TUPE measures.


The Committee received a verbal updated from the Lead Member for HR & Workforce in relation to employee terms and conditions, and TUPE measures.  Cllr Peter Wharf, as the Lead Member, explained that following a report on Terms and Conditions considered at the last meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee on 17 December 2019 consultation had continued with Trade Unions. It was noted that negotiations continued to arrive at a final position before 1 April 2019.  A further review of Terms and Conditions would also be undertaken after the beginning of the new Council to harmonise terms over an 18-24 month period.  It was noted that there were areas where there had not yet been agreement.


Members discussed progress on achieving agreement on redundancy multipliers for TUPE staff and new employees. It was confirmed that this was an area which had not been finalised.  It was highlighted that it was important to align TUPE employees from 1 April 2019, and it was confirmed that further alignment of the multiplier with new staff had been extended from 12 to 18 months.


A consultation response from Unison was shared at the meeting which provided further detail in relation to outstanding issues. The letter is attached as an annexure to these minutes.  It was confirmed that outstanding issues would be dealt with through continued negotiation through delegated authority agreed at the last meeting of the Committee.


Confirmation was provided that the Shadow Dorset Council must inform the sovereign councils of changes to terms and conditions as part of the transfer of employment, together with measures which were due to be consulted upon and confirmed in the next couple of weeks. 

