62 Summer Operations in Dorset PDF 355 KB
To consider a report of the Head of Community and Public Protection.
Additional documents:
The committee received and considered a report of the Head of Community and Public Protection, which provided a review of Summer 2022 operations in Dorset, put in place to assist the Council and its partners to manage the implications of high visitor numbers. The Head of Community and Public Protection provided an overview of the key issues in the report and plans for 2023 Easter and summer operations.
During discussion, the following areas were covered:
· There was no separate funding available for 2023 operations and activities would be incorporated into ‘business as usual’ arrangements, including the use of ‘Dorset Direct’
· Issues around wild camping and enforcement and other action required
· Pollution into water courses, water monitoring and beach cleaning
· Continued campaign to restrict sale of disposable bbqs.
The Chairman provided a summary of the points raised and further action required:
· Committee support for anti-social behaviour patrols especially in coastal areas
· Committee support for continued communications messaging following on from the Promise to Love Dorset campaign
· Issues around wild camping (reference made to Chesil beach) and potential level of visitors from particular areas in the West Midlands – request for targeted communication with councils in these areas to raise awareness of the impact on the area
· A request that the S151 officer maintain an overview on funding and resource requirements for summer operations
· An item on water courses and pollution issues to be brought to a future meeting of the committee
· A briefing note to be provided to the committee in the autumn, on the Easter and summer 2023 operations.
The Chairman thanked all involved for their work in the area.