108 Cost of Living Challenge PDF 370 KB
To consider a report of the Leader of the Council.
Additional documents:
That, to support
Dorset Council residents who were hardest hit by the current cost-of-living
crisis, the proposed activity and funding from council reserves be approved.
Reason for the
Extensive support has been provided to Dorset Council residents over recent months to help them cope with the impact of rising prices, particularly affecting energy bills, fuel, food, and housing costs.
The proposed support should be seen as a preventative intervention that aimed to help households, families and individuals avoid falling into deeper crisis which could lead to consequences such as homelessness, debt, mental illness and so on.
The Portfolio
Holder for Culture, Communities and Customer Services presented a report that
set out proposals for various activities and schemes which would provide immediate
and medium-term support to Dorset residents hardest hit by the cost-of-living
The proposals,
which were driven by data, were costed at £2m in total, to be funded from
council reserves. The proposed activities and schemes would supplement the
support provided to date by central government and by Dorset Council. The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that there
had been concerns about this piece of work not forming part of the 2023/24 budget
proposal but considered it to be a stand-alone item.
Cllr L Beddow proposed
the recommendation, and this was seconded by Cllr S Flower.
members asked questions and made comments around Food security, energy
efficiencies, prioritising community areas, and those most at need, the need to
consider support to youth centres, in terms of revenue costs, and rural poverty
and the lack of transport facilities in rural areas.
The Portfolio
Holder confirmed that extensive support had been provided to residents over
recent months and the proposals within the report aimed to supplement the
support provided to date by central government and Dorset Council.
Cabinet supported
the proposals and recommendations within the report.
That, to support
Dorset Council residents who were hardest hit by the current cost-of-living
crisis, the proposed activity and funding from council reserves be approved.
Reason for the
Extensive support has been provided to Dorset Council residents over recent months to help them cope with the impact of rising prices, particularly affecting energy bills, fuel, food, and housing costs.
The proposed support should be seen as a preventative intervention that aimed to help households, families and individuals avoid falling into deeper crisis which could lead to consequences such as homelessness, debt, mental illness and so on.