Notice of Motion - Cllr T Ferrari
To consider the following Notice of Motion proposed by Cllr T Ferrari seconded by Cllr L O’Leary and supported by Cllrs T Coombs, G Carr-Jones, B Goringe, J Haynes, C Brooks, N Lacey-Clarke, M Penfold, R Cook, P Harrison, J Worth, J Dunseith, B Ridout, M Parkes, M Barron, D Shortell, G Suttle and P Wharf.
Asylum Seekers Barge – Portland
That this council condemns the
commercial Agreement between the Home Office and Portland Port for the mooring
of the Bibby Stockholm barge to accommodate up to 500 asylum seekers at this
That the mooring of the barge in
Portland Port is an entirely inappropriate location and should be removed at
the earliest opportunity.
That Dorset Council, while not the
decision makers, will work with agencies to mitigate the impact this will have
on Dorset.
Seekers Barge – Portland Port
Chief Executive laid out some background information prior to the council
debate. This is attached at appendix 4
to these minutes.
of Motion
this council condemns the commercial Agreement between the Home Office and
Portland Port for the mooring of the Bibby Stockholm barge to accommodate up to
500 asylum seekers at this location.
the mooring of the barge in Portland Port is an entirely inappropriate location
and should be removed at the earliest opportunity.
Dorset Council, while not the decision makers, will work with agencies to
mitigate the impact this will have on Dorset.”
by Cllr Tony Ferrari
by Cllr Louie O’Leary
Toni Coombes,
Graham Carr-Jones, Barry Gorringe, Jill Haynes, Cherry Brooks, Nocturin Lacey-Clarke, Mary Penfold, Robin Cook, Paul
Harrison, John Worth, Jean Dunseith, Belinda Ridout, Mike Parkes, Mike Barron,
David Shortell,
Gary Suttle, Peter Wharf,
In accordance with Procedure Rule
14.3 (a) this Notice of Motion, upon being proposed and seconded, was debated
by Full Council.
The following amendment was
proposed by Cllr Paul Kimber, seconded by Cllr Brian Heatley.
“This Dorset
Council recognises the contribution that Refugees have made to our Dorset
economy and Society, over the years whilst we accept the Bibby Stockholm Barge
is inhumane and is entirely inappropriate.
Dorset Council
welcomes all refugees to be treated, with dignity, and respect”.
The amendment
was carried.
The following
amendment was proposed by Cllr Kate Wheller, seconded by Cllr Jon Orrell.
“DC’s opposition
should be voiced at every opportunity and any legal means taken to reject the
That DC urges the
Home Office to increase resources to speed up the asylum application process.”
The amendment
was LOST
following amendment to Cllr Ferrari’s NOM was proposed by Cllr Ryan Hope.
“Dorset welcome’s refuges however this council condemns
the commercial Agreement between the Home Office and Portland Port for the
mooring of the Bibby Stockholm barge to accommodate up to 500 asylum seekers at
this location, Portland Port is an entirely inappropriate location. Furthermore, the use of the Bibby Stockholm barge is not
appropriate for people fleeing war and legally seeking asylum in this country. They should be housed in decent accommodation with proper
facilities and more crucially, their claims should be
properly and consistently processed.
The Bibby Stockholm is required due to the government’s Governments mismanagement of the asylum system
and this is what needs to be reviewed therefore
“Dorset Council calls on the government not to allow
the Bibby Stockholm barge to be placed at Portland Port and for the
government to carry out a urgent review asylum
system to remove the requirements to use such accommodation”
Should the government not listen and The Bibby
Stockholm barge still come Dorset Council, while not the decision makers, will work
with agencies to mitigate the impact this will have on Dorset and explore avenues to have it
to be removed at the earliest opportunity”
Following advice from the ... view the full minutes text for item 29