Issue - meetings

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) policy for Dorset Council

Meeting: 11/03/2019 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 41)

41 Adoption of RIPA Policy pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To consider a report by the Lead Member for Governance.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Member for Governance on the Dorset Council policy in relation to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (“RIPA”).




1. That the draft RIPA policy attached as Appendix 1 of the Lead Member’s report be adopted;


2. That the Chief Executive be designated as the Council’s Senior Responsible Officer in respect of the exercise of the Council’s RIPA powers; and,


3. That the Executive Directors be granted delegated authority to authorise officers within their service areas to exercise the Council’s RIPA powers.


Reason for Decisions


Compliance with the Revised Code of Practice on Covert Surveillance and Property Interference (August 2018).