Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting Dataset

Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 6)

6 Corporate Parenting Dataset pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To receive a report from Paul Dempsey (Corporate Director- Care and Protection).


Members were introduced to the Corporate Parenting Dataset and were given an update on the number of children in care and the number of asylum-seeking children. Members also received an overview on strengths and difficulties questionnaires as well as attendance figures and care leavers accommodation. Members were also informed that officers were continuing to work hard to ensure children were placed within their local communities and noted that more needed to be done to complete health assessments on time. It was also highlighted the increase in the number of children in education and an increase in children being adopted. It was noted that the number of children being adopted had increased.


Members raised the following questions and statements:

·       Questions regarding whether staffing was adequate.

·       Clarification regarding placement types.

·       Number of unaccompanied children being placed locally in Dorset.

·       Percentage of children in 3 or more placements per year.

·       Questions regarding children in bed and breakfast accommodation.

·       What is being done to support and prepare care leavers for employment opportunities.

·       Requested further updates on visits and location of asylum seekers within the UK.

·       Praised the officer’s report and were pleased to see an improvement with the number of looked after children.

·       The completed Health Assessments was an area of concern.


The Corporate Parenting Board Dataset was received and noted.