22 Dorset Home Upgrade Grant
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The Deputy Director of Public Health introduced the report
which sought approval to deliver £4.2M of upgrades to homes across the Dorset
and BCP Council areas.
Officers responded to comments and requests for
clarification, details included:
- Comments were often
received and number of case studies had been undertaken which set out the
issues and how they were addressed. There were notable Improvements in
morbidity and mortality rates as a result of home improvements.
- Better communication was
required in terms of setting out what was on offer and the eligibility
criteria, as it appeared that some people may be put off at present.
- It was well recognised
that there were a lower number of homes in the BCP Council area that were
eligible for the HUG aspect, but far more qualified for other aspects of
the HHD programme.
- The project was targeting
flats within the BCP Council area that didn’t have a gas connection.
- There were very
complicated formulas used in order to calculate eligibility.
- There were regular
conversations with housing providers to ensure that the homes they’re
providing are compliant with legislation. The project team was working
with East Boro housing, BCP Homes etc.
- All residents could access
HHD and get advice if needed, even if ineligible for other support.
Working with primary care networks to raise awareness of support
That the Board:
- Endorse the
Dorset Home Upgrade Grant project.
- Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health to
develop and deliver the project, in line with relevant Dorset Council
regulations and any grant funding agreement with government.
- Notes progress of the wider Healthy Homes Dorset