Issue - meetings

Home In On Housing - Dorset Council's Housing Strategy

Meeting: 14/12/2023 - Dorset Council (Item 57)

57 Home in on Housing - Dorset Council's Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To consider a recommendation from Cabinet.

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, Health and Housing presented the Dorset Council Housing Strategy which had been considered by the People and Health Overview Committee and Cabinet and proposed its adoption. This was seconded by S Jespersen.


Councillors considered the issues arising from the report and proposed strategy document and discussion included reference to the requirements in the Local Plan and emerging Local Plan, opportunities for the Council to become a builder of social and affordable housing, the Council’s role as a registered provider and links between planning and housing functions. The strategy was a living document and could be reviewed moving forwards.


As an amendment, it was proposed by G Taylor seconded by D Taylor that the approval of the Housing Strategy be deferred for consideration by the People and Health Overview Committee and review of the possibility of Dorset Council becoming a house builder.


On being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.


A vote was taken on the original recommendation.




That the Housing Strategy and its objectives be approved.

Meeting: 30/11/2023 - People and Health Overview Committee (Item 49)

49 Home In On Housing - Dorset Council's Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 317 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care, Health, and Housing.



Additional documents:


The Lead Member for Housing introduced the Housing Strategy which was a high-level document setting out the vision, aims and objectives for housing in Dorset. The strategy was developed over the past 12 months through a series of internal and external stakeholder engagement and a public consultation. The strategy would replace former district council housing policies, and a delivery plan would sit behind the strategic document.


The Corporate Director for Housing and Community Safety gave a presentation to the committee. The presentation, which is attached to these minutes, outlined: the development of the strategy; the visions and objectives; the key themes from consultation responses; how the strategy would be delivered; and the next steps for delivery.


Members discussed the report and asked questions of the officers and Lead Member. The following points were raised:


·         Parts of Part 2 of the cover report, outlining the Housing Strategy, could be made stronger relating to the delivery of new affordable housing and the link to the Climate and Ecology Strategy.  It was acknowledged that the Housing Strategy itself was detailed and strong, and the delivery plan work would cover those, and other, areas of priority.

·         The council should be prepared, when viable and appropriate, to use its status as a registered provider to acquire homes when other independent registered providers do not.

·         Some registered providers have sold homes, largely because they were in poor condition and were not economic to maintain.

·         The council bringing empty properties back into use was welcomed.

·         The delivery plan would be developed in various parts, with the overarching delivery plan to be developed in early 2024.

·         The housing strategy and delivery plan would be reviewed and monitored, and aspects of that plan being brought to appropriate Council committees – including the Housing Board and specific reports to Scrutiny and Overview.

·         A key part of the delivery would be determined through the Local Plan and associated policies across the range of Council policies.


Members thanked officers for their support in developing the strategy.


Proposed by Cllr Legg, seconded by Cllr Ezzard.


That the following be added to the end of paragraph 2.3 of the cover report: “As a Registered Provider we will seek to provide housing that is not currently provided by registered providers. We will also be open to consider s106 housing where no registered provider is identified.”


Proposed by Cllr Legg, seconded by Cllr Ezzard.


That the following be added to the end of paragraph 2.5 of the cover report: “which is in accordance with Dorset Council’s Climate and Ecological Strategy.”


Both amendments to the cover report were unanimously supported by the committee.


Proposed by Cllr Batstone, seconded by Cllr Ezzard.



That the Housing Strategy and its objectives, and the amendments to the cover report, be recommended to Cabinet.