Issue - meetings

Children's Sufficiency Strategy

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Children Sufficient Places pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help and the recommendation of the People and Health Overview Committee.

Additional documents:


That the Sufficiency Strategy, and related action planning that is required for its effective delivery, be approved.


Reason for the decision


There was a range of legal duties associated with an overall “sufficiency duty” on all local authorities, as part of the Children Act 1989, to secure accommodation for children in their care, within the local authority area. 



The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help set out the report and the recommendations from the People & Health Overview Committee of 6 February 2024. The Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2027 outlined how the council would continue to implement and deliver arrangements that wrap around children and families, to ensure that they receive the right support at the right time.


Approval of the Sufficiency Strategy for 2024-2027 was proposed by Cllr B Quayle and was unanimously agreed.




That the Sufficiency Strategy, and related action planning that is required for its effective delivery, be approved.


Reason for the decision


There were a range of legal duties associated with an overall “sufficiency duty” on all local authorities, as part of the Children Act 1989, to secure accommodation for children in their care, within the local authority area. 


Meeting: 06/02/2024 - People and Health Overview Committee (Item 59)

59 Childrens Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2027 pdf icon PDF 320 KB

To consider a report by the Interim Corporate Director for Commissioning and Partnerships.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Director for Care and Protection introduced the Children’s Sufficiency Strategy and gave a presentation, which is attached to these minutes. He explained the sufficiency duty and what the sufficiency strategy was for. The seven priorities of the strategy and measures to see whether it was successful were outlined.


Members discussed the report and asked questions. The following points were raised:


·       There was no work done on the 20 self-contained units for care leavers. Officers were open to suggestions of appropriate places for them.

·       There were currently 5 care leavers in B&B accommodation.

·       There were commercial arrangements with B&B’s however young people would receive wraparound support from multi-disciplinary professionals.

·       The increase in children’s home places were from additional provision from existing children’s homes and through residential providers.

·       Some care leavers will be receiving a service form the council whereas others will only have contact with the council when needed. Not all 309 care leavers receiving a service from a Personal Advisor were in staying put arrangements.


Proposed by Cllr Batstone, seconded by Cllr Holloway.



That the Sufficiency Strategy and related action planning be recommended to Cabinet for approval.