Issue - meetings

Waste Strategy for Dorset 2024

Meeting: 12/09/2024 - Place and Resources Overview Committee (Item 17)

17 Review of the Dorset Council Waste Strategy pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Service for Commercial Waste and Strategy.

Additional documents:


The committee considered a report of the Head of Service for Commercial Waste and Strategy, which presented the Dorset Council Waste Strategy to set out the strategic vision and framework for how the council would deal with waste in Dorset in the longer term, but with a focus on actions over the next 5 years due to the significant legislative changes anticipated.


Councillors reviewed the issues arising from the report and during discussion the following points were noted:


·       Link with the review of fleet requirements

·       Acknowledgment of future challenges from changes in legislation and a request that councillors be kept informed

·       Reference to fly tipping and action being taken in this area linking in with the Police and Crime Commissioner

·       A suggestion was made that, in respect of tackling issues with commercial waste in holiday lets, there could be a link with parish and town councils for notifying where premises were

·       Issues raised regarding missed bin collections and the implications of road closures on collection rounds

·       Engagement would be undertaken with ward members ahead of any changes to collection routes

·       There would be a future review of household recycling centres (HRCs) across the council area and this would include engagement with councillors

·       Further work was required in respect of policy objective 4 – Develop and enhance a network of local waste management facilities that enables Dorset to collect, deliver, store, transport and treat waste efficiently and effectively

·       The infrastructure for waste management represented a key challenge which linked to a wider depot review and the strategic asset management programme

·       How HRCs outside of the Dorset Council area were reflected in the council’s strategy was raised

·       It was noted that the Waste Strategy was the high-level document that other work streams such as the HRC Strategy sat underneath

·       An assurance was sought in respect of the importance of HRCs within the council’s strategy in this area.


Recommendation to Cabinet


That the revised Dorset Waste Strategy be approved.